
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blog Tour Review: The Queen's Vow

Title The Queen's Vow By C.W Gortner Genre Adult Historical Fiction Pages 370 Recommended by: Blog Tour

First Sentence "Hold the reigns, Isabella."

A historical fiction based on the life of Queen Isabella of Spain.

 What it has going for it
Obviously I haven't been around for awhile. There are reason for that and I'll tell you about them soon but for now; a review. I couldn't pass down reading this book despite the fact that I haven't read a book the entire way through since March. I love historical fiction IF it's about a part of history that I love...and this one was. I've always been interested in Isabella of Spain and it was interesting to learn more about her. I learned things I had no idea about and isn't it great to read and enjoy a book AND learn something? Until, a few moments ago I had no idea that the author was a guy. Wow! That kind of shocked me...and explained a few things. The writing was good. It evoked emotions in me. The yell-at-the-characters-like they're-real-people kind. All in all it was a good read.

What's lacking
I sometimes found my eyes glazing over when it got too historical. I like my historical fiction to be enough about the characters that I hardly notice the history. This one sometimes felt a bit too much like a history book. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

Favorite moment
I loved when Isabella talked to Colon (Christopher Columbus). It was just too fun to see that moment take place.   

Yea or Nay?
If you like historical fiction then, yes, give this one a shot.


  1. I am DYING to know what kept you away! And I'm glad you came back with a blog tour review of a book you were excited to read. I think I need to try more historical fiction. I think I only think I don't like it.

  2. Yay for a return to blogging, even if it is a partial one. I liked this one, but agree that it got a little too mired in the historical details.

  3. It's a Christmas miracle. ;o)

  4. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I sometimes have glazed eye moments when reading historical books as well!

    Glad you're back and hope you're well :)

  5. I have been enjoying more and more historical fictions, so maybe I'll give this one a go! Also, welcome back!

  6. Lately historical fiction and I haven't been getting along so I probably won't read this but I'm so glad you're back!!!! :)

  7. +JMJ+

    It's really great to see you again! =D I haven't read much Historical fiction for a while, but I really should. =)
