
Saturday, September 3, 2011

What Type Are You?

If you ask me, there are three types of readers.

1 The "Everyone else was doing it" kind. These are those who don't particularly care what a book is about; if everyone else is reading it, they are too. They aren't mindless and they don't read something out of their comfort zone but for the most part they just can't resist the sway of the masses. Everywhere they look a certain book is dancing before their eyes. Everyone's talking about it. Every store is selling it. They have to read it.

2 The "Everyone else is doing it so I'm NOT" kind. These are the kind that stubbornly refuse to read anything that becomes popular. If said book is dancing before their eyes and everyone is talking about it they fold their arms turn their noses up and obstinately refuse to read it...period....even if they might want to, or think they might secretly like it.

3 And then there's the "If it piques my interest, popular or not, I'll read it" kind. These are the types that pick up this popular book read the synopsis and decide yay or nay. They aren't swayed by the masses, they keep their reading preferences no matter what the crowd says.

OK, there's probably lot's more types of reading people. I've just met all these three kinds and wanted to focus on them. I personally like to think I lean towards number three but I'll admit I sometimes lean towards that obstinate side of things. I hate following the crowd and I've often refused to read something just because everyone else is. And, yet, sometimes those masses are awfully convincing and I wonder what all the fuss is about. So, what about you? What type of reader are you? Are you a mixture like me, or do you lean strongly one certain way?


  1. I lean pretty strong to number three. I try to choose books based on what strikes me at the moment. Usually when I read a really hyped-up book, I feel like there's something wrong with me if I don't think its terrific, lol.

  2. TheBookGirl, LOL, that's me too. I read books that are popular all the time and when I end up hating it I wonder what's wrong with me.

  3. I'm kind of a mix between two and three. I tend to avoid the popular unless it really, really, really interests me. Example - The Help. If it weren't so popular I'd have read it by now. I guess I'm a rebel at heart.

  4. I really could careless what anyone else is reading. I hate following the crowd but if the book they're reading interest me I read it. If not, I don't. So I guess I fall hard into #3 I thought there for a minute I might be a #2 but, I'm not. I really don't have a rebellious or stubborness that keeps me from reading. And I definately don't read something just because everyone else is reading it. I hate crowd followers. I find them shallow and annoying :0

  5. I'm a fourth group--I'll read anything YOU hand me if you think I'll like it and what ever is lying around if I feel like reading. Even if I've read it a kazillion times before. :0

  6. I will read anything and do read anything but I often end up reading what is popular because I'm in two book clubs. So I'm a #3 with a bit of #1 thrown in.

    My Head is Full of Books

  7. Dana, LOL, somehow I knew you'd be a bit of a rebel. BTW, The Help wasn't THAT great but I might get beat up for saying that.

    Cowboy mom, Yes, well I think mom taught us to think for ourselves.

    Techno Grandma, Yeah, I know what kind of reader YOU are. ;) Didn't you like the little comic in the post?

    Anne, Yeah, I was stubbornly refusing to read To Kill A Mockingbird but then my book club read it. It's hard to be a number two if you belong to a book club.

  8. Jenny, is this a hint at a recent post you did trying to get someone to read something out of their comfort zone ;P I am the Queen of Obstinate. I tend to avoid super popular books because there is too much hype. Unless I come across a popular book by chance and then read it without too much interference. There have been too many occasions where I've read a book because of popular opinion and hated it. Although, if I trust a blogger, I will usually read what they've recommended.

  9. Lan, LOL, no, actually, but I realized while writing it that it was sort of sounding the same.

  10. I read by interest only, so put me in category three, I guess!

    If I'm not interested in a story/series, then I won't read it, even if everybody and their aunt/uncle/third-cousin-twice-removed is. (*cough* The Iron King *cough*)

    I will, however, take time to look into a popular series to see if it interests me, because they are often popular for good reason. :)

    Fun post!

  11. BJ, LOL! Yeah, if a book doesn't interest me I won't read it no matter how popular it is. I will be reading The Iron Fey series, though. ;)

  12. bahah I guess I'm a combination of 2 and 3 hehe

  13. I was very number 2 for a while & wouldn't read/watch anything that was super popular (like Lord of the Rings...I've still never seen all of the movies). But then I caved and read a few books that were highly recommended & loved them. So I guess I'm a 1 now, and realize that some of the books I'll really like & some of them won't be for me.

  14. Since you're going with three types I'll go for #3. I'm very much, walk through a bookstore and pick out what cover looks the best, put it in the pile and see if in the end it's one I end up reading!!

    Great blog! I think you're right, each person has a certain style of reading! I'm glad no one is alike!

  15. I suppose I'm a combination of 1 and 3, don't you think? I will read what everyone else is reading, just to see what the buzz is about, but sometimes I won't if I feel like I really really won't like it (Girl with a Dragon Tattoo for example.)

  16. Book Purring, Was that an evil laugh? ;)

    Kathy, Well, good. You're evolving...;) That's good right???

    Jen, Thanks! I'm glad we're all different too.

    Suey, Yeah, I'd agree with your evaluation of your self. I have no desire to read GWDT either.

  17. I think I"m the third kind of reader. I'll read anything... as long as it has wizards, or dragons involved. LOL.

  18. Madigan, Yeah, almost anything fantasy I'll read too.
