
Friday, December 6, 2013

Review: Getting Over Garrett Delaney

Title Getting Over Garrett Delaney
By Abby Mcdonald
Genre YA contemporary
Pages 336
Recommended by Jessica

First sentence You have to understand: I've been madly, hopelessly, tragically in love with Garrett Delaney for two years now-ever since that fateful day when I looked from my list of the Top Ten Couples of All Time and saw him sauntering into the local coffee house.

Sadie has been in love with Garrett for far too long. When he gets into a writing camp and she doesn't and he goes away for the summer her heart is broken. Things get more and more out of hand as the summer progress but with the help of new friends and old Sadie is going to get over Garrett once and for all.

What it has going for it
I read this one several months ago and I remember liking it well enough but as I reflect on it now I realize how much I really did like it. The truths learned in this book are amazing! Yeah, it's a ridiculous fun story disguised as fluff but as I look at it now I can see how many deep thoughts there were. I won't go and list them all but I will name a few...the ones that made me love the book. First of all, I loved watching Sadie learn who she really was. Up until her friends point it out and help her out she never realized that much of who she was, was merely a shadow of what Garrett wanted her to be. She didn't even know who she was. I think...well I know that girls struggle with this no matter their age and I loved that Sadie was set free and learned who she was. Secondly, I loved the way a little distance and perspective made Sadie see things more clearly. This too is a truth that I'm learning myself. So, yeah, the book was fun and entertaining but if you like a little depth to your reading pick this one up!

What's lacking
Meh, slightly predictable and a rather neat ending but the journey was worth it.

Favorite moment
When Sadie has her full blown meltdown in the coffee shop and really realizes she has a problem.

Yea or Nay?
Yep, definitely would recommend this one.


  1. Ooh, I've had this on my TBR for the longest time. Maybe I should move it up. :) It sounds cute but I love the idea of it not just being fluff.

  2. I liked this one a lot too. It is very YA, but it does have a lesson for even 20-somethings. It reminded me of when I was a teenager and pining over someone who wasn't The One but I was convinced WAS The One. :P

  3. This one sounds like my kind of book. And I love when you read a book thinking it will be fun, but nothing special, and it's just.... important in an unobtrusive way.
