
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Character Connection Astley From The Need Series

Character Connection is hosted by Jen of The Introverted Reader every Thursday. It's a great meme to gush about the characters we love. Head on over and join up.

Today I'd like to gush about Astley from the Need series. Now, I know these books aren't very well loved...well, in my circle of friends, any way, and I'm not a huge drooling fan myself, but I definitely love Astley and here's why.

We don't meet Astley until book two, Captivate, and that's a good thing because after the first book and the control freak that was Nick, we're all ready for a much better guy to come along.

Astley is pixie king which I admit makes hims sound kinda wimpy and, hey, maybe he is because he doesn't try to control Zara. Beause he isn't all possessive and manipulative like Nick. Nevertheless, he kicks butt if he needs to and is ready to fight along side Zara. He believes in destiny and calmly waits for Zara to realize she belongs with him...and she certainly better decide that!!! ;) He comes from one messed up family, his mom is a lying unloving...ahem (I won't say what) who tricked him into getting his fiance killed so he has that whole sympathy thing going for him. He loves his people and wants to serve them and he wants Zara to think he's perfect even though he knows he's not. But what I love most is his belief in Zara's ability to fight her own battles...even though, he's right there to rescue her if she ends up needing him after all. 

So, yeah, in comparison to all those other control freak guys out there Astley is in a league of his own. BTW, I don't usually picture movie or TV stars as book characters and I didn't picture anyone in particular as Astley but I could see Alex Pettyfer playing him. Anyone else?


  1. Haha Jenny, I could chalk this one up to your immediate love of the underdog love interest but Astley does sound like the better of the two. As for the Alex Pettyfer thing...well, this is kinda stupid but for some dumb reason, I always think of him whenever a guy is described as blonde with blue eyes. And I don't even like him! Subliminal message has got to be involved somewhere.

  2. Lan, Hmmm, I tend to think the same thing about Alex but what devious group of people could actually be behind those subliminal messages and why? ;)

  3. Okay, I've never even heard of these books. -1 for me. But I do like the sound of Astley. I am getting tired of overbearing male characters in YA (or other) books.

    On a semi-completely unrelated note, I'm annoyed with the general messages "we" send to teens these days. And it's not just overbearing males - it's stupid females. Exhibit A: Lyrics to Katy Perry's "Last Friday Night."

    Okay, sorry for the digression. I'll be on the lookout for Astley's series. :)

  4. Jessica, It's a pretty ridiculous series with the typical plot but Astley makes it all better. ;) I don't think I've heard that song. I'll have to check it out.

  5. I don't know whose doing is Jenny but I suspect it's the same ones who decided to keep Gambit out of the first X-Men movies....

  6. Lan, LOL! Those sneaky bastards! ;)

  7. Astley sounds like a guy I would like! Peaceful but able to finish it if someone else starts it and respectful of women. Sounds great!

  8. IntrovertedJen, He really is great, the reason I continue this series.

  9. Haven't read the Need series, but totally love Alex Pettyfer :D (sorry kinda had an obsession of him after watching I Am Number Four) And Congratulations! You've won the Liebster Award on my blog :D


  10. iLuvReadingTooMuch, Yeah, he's getting pretty good looking.
