
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

R.I,P Challenge And An Invite

Alright, I wasn't going to join this challenge hosted by Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings because I had my fall reading schedule full but when I saw this challenge...

This Peril involves reading one book that fits within the R.I.P. definition.

...I decided  that was easy enough, I could squeeze in one book. So I shall be reading...

I've had this book on my shelf forever and I think it will fit in perfectly for this challenge. Also, I shall be doing this challenge...

Suey of It's All About Books and I have been planning to read this...

On an entirely normal, beautiful fall day in Chester's Mill, Maine, the town is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. No one can fathom what this barrier is, where it came from, and when -- or if -- it will go away.

...and are inviting anyone who was planning on reading it anyway, or who, just now decided they wanted to read it, to join us. Just let either me or Suey know and we'll let you know as soon as we get going which will probably be the first of October...maybe sooner.

Happy Reading, everyone!


  1. +JMJ+

    This has started already?!?!?!

    Oh, man! I've got to get cracking . . .

  2. K, I just put it on hold at the library. Grrr I just got back from there and I hate chasing my 2 year old there, but I shall return.

  3. Enbrethliel, LOL, time does creep up on us.

    Adams Family, The things we do for books. ;)

  4. Yay, glad you are joining in. The whole reason for the one book option is so that people can still be a part of the communal fun without the pressure of having to try to work a bunch of reading in to a short period of time.

    I'll be posting soon (probably tomorrow) about some book-related things and will mention your Under the Dome group read.

  5. This sounds like a really interesting challenge! These books aren't usually the genre that I read because I'm a real big chicken and scar books creep me out much more than a movie would but I think I might be soft and do this challenge with a zombie book :)Thanks for letting me know about this challenge Jenny!

  6. Carl, I'm just glad you did it. I wanted to join but I was afraid to committing to too many books. One book will work great for me. Thanks for advertising are read-along!

    Lan, A zombie book would work! I hope you join.

    Kailana, Thanks!

  7. Oh yay! I'm excited about my challenge picks, this year. Enjoy yours and I'm glad you're in!

  8. I love Steven King. Let me know if you like it.

  9. I might join you for the Stephen King reading. I have been wanting to read it so it might be good timing :)

  10. Hiya I'd be up for joining your Under the Dome read. I borrowed it off a colleague about 2 years ago and *gulp* still haven't read and returned!

  11. iwriteinbooks, I'm glad I decided to join too.

    Dana, If we do this group read you'll hear plenty about my opinion, I'm sure. ;)

    Selina, Yay! You should totally tackle it with us. I've been trying to muster up the courage to read it since it first came out!

    Jodi, Oh my! You should join us so you can return the book. ;)

    Suey, Yay!

  12. Carl just told me of your read-along for Under The Dome. Sadly, I'm finishing it this weekend...I would have enjoyed reading it with you and the others. However, I'm sure we'll have lots to say, and when you do put up your posts I'll be by to leave some thoughts. It's quite a fascinating read which I'm sure you anticipate.

  13. Every time I looked at Under the Dome on the shelf I hoped that you guys hadn't given up on reading it as a group. I hope that I'll be able to keep up due to school, but I will definitely try.

    I'm excited!

  14. I came over from Carl's (SSD). I had started reading UTD awhile back, but had to put it aside for other reading (i.e. review books...LOL) obligations so would love to join you, as I'm already ahead of the game. =O) Please let me know. Thanks!

    Castle Macabre and The True Book Addict

  15. I love the idea of a small town mysteriously isolated by a force-field... but I hate to think what scary things will happen when Stephen King gets his hands on that idea.

  16. Bellezza, You made it through it? That gives me hope. ;)

    Kaye, Yay, I hope you join us.

    Michelle, Having a head start is a good thing.

    Madigan, I know. I can't decide if this one will be a horror or not. It's so deceiving.

  17. I really, really need to join you for the UNDER THE DOME read, but that book is HUGE. I started it the other night and it's sucking me in just like King's books always do, but other books keep getting in the way. What to do? What to do?

  18. Susan, You should join us. We'll be starting the first of October and doing question posts for sections. It should help with motivation. But, yeah, those other books...I understand all about that. ;)
