
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mini Movie Reviews

Ugh! I'm having such a blogging\life-in-general slump. So, it's been awhile since I've bothered posting or even turning on my computer. Enter a boring movie review post. ;)

Yeah, yeah, I just BARELY saw this one. Um, I was less than impressed with the first one but the second one entertained me so I thought maybe, just maybe the third one would be good. Argh! It was fine I guess, but so freaking long. I also have a huge bone to pick! What the blazes is wrong with that little Shia LaBeouf?! Freaking ingrate! Bumblebee saves his sorry ass THREE times in this one and does he once say thanks?! No! All he gives a dang about is his stupid little girlfriend! I've never been so pissed! Poor, unappreciated Bumblebee; I don't know why he bothers with that little brat! Hmph!

I only saw this one because my brother in law had a friend who worked on it. Well, that and it has Hugh Jackman. ;) Fighting robots isn't something that truly excites me but the feel good family movie with eight thousand "awww!" moments just pushed me over the edge. So, if you like that kind of thing you might like this one but it was just a little too cutesie for me. Even Hugh, in all his hotness, couldn't save it for me.


  1. Even with Hugh Jackman enticing me, I cannot see this movie. Every time I see the trailers, I think "Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots." I'm glad to hear that I've made a good choice based on my biased judgment, lol.

  2. Oh Jenny, your posts are awesome, I agree Shia is wholly ungrateful. I'd kill for an ass kicking robot car and I would definitely thank him fro saving my tukus every chance I got. I definitely don't do cutesy family movies lol, I like things darker unless it's deramworks than I'm totally down.

  3. Neither one of these movies has tempted me and I like both the stars! Looks like I shouldn't feel too bad for not seeing them, huh?

    I hope you get out of your slump quick! I've been missing your posts!

  4. UHH., aM i MISSING SOMETHING?? I clicked on your pictures and only got a bigger picture--no movies. I don't know what you didn't like! Clue me in.

  5. Haha I was planning on seeing Real Steel with my boyfriend tonight! He's going for the robot action...I'm going for Hugh Jackman! ;)

  6. Jenni, You just know someone who loved Rocky and played Rock-em-sock-em as a kid decided this would make a great movie. *rolls eyes*

    Tristan, Thankyou! Everybody just looks at me like I'm crazy when I start ranting about Shia being such an ingrate!

    Suey, Yeah, I wouldn't bother with either. :( I'm trying to get over my slump.

    Techno Grandma, You don't have to click on the pics. I didn't say anything more about the movies than what's below each pic.

    Natalie, Well enjoy Hugh, it's the only thing the movie has going for it. ;)

  7. Oh, I thought they were mini movies--not mini reviews and I would get to see the movies if I clicked on the pictures.

  8. Feel good family movie with fighting robots? Mmm nope. Don't think I could wrap my head around that enough to enjoy I'm sure it would drive my kids to build Lego fighting robots. Could be deadly! ;)

  9. I probably shouldn't say this here but I really liked the third installment of Transformers and Real Steel is one I really want to see. I just have this thing for mindless robot destruction....I've possibly been brainwashed by Hollywood :)

  10. Techno grandma, Oh, I see. ;)

    BJ, Yeah, it could result in some annoying toy fights. ;)

    Lan, You were supposed to love my tirade about how great Bumblebee was and how awful Shia was. ;)
