
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Review: The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It

Title The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It
By Lisa Shanahan
Source Library
Pages 295

First sentence When Debbie told Dad she was marrying Brian, her new boyfriend of one month, Dad, went ballistic.

Dealing with her sister's upcoming wedding, her crush on cute guy at school, and the ever annoying Raven, a boy from a questionable family, Gemma Stone has a hard, hilarious year ahead of her.

General thoughts
I'm serious, people, I'm starting to think Australian authors can do know wrong! This book was downright hilarious and, yet, had depth to it. Two things that are horribly important to me in a book of this kind. I LOVED it. I was laughing one page, crying on the next, and just truly enjoying it! I won't go on and on but if you haven't read this awesome little book go out there and pick it up!!! The only two little itty bitty things that bothered me were: Gemma's friend Jody, who just wasn't it it enough for a "best" friend, and there was no kiss! What the heck?!

Gemma: I don't usually like female protagonists, they're all the same: whiny, no backbone, selfish, but not this time. Gemma was a breath of fresh air! Completely realistic, imperfect, and hilarious.
Raven: Ah, a perfectly captured male specimen. ;) I love when teenage boys ACT like teenage boys.
Gemma's parents: Oh my gosh, look! present parents. They were involved. They actually talked to Gemma.
Debbie: Bridezilla! Isn't that what they all act like though? Just a little. ;)

There's a whole bunch of other characters with there very own REAL personalities in this one so just go read it!

Would I recommend it?
Are you still sitting here when I told you to go get this book?!


  1. Okay, Okay you convinced me, lol I will get this one and put it near the top of my TBR list!

  2. What? No kiss? Dang.
    Present parents? That IS a new thing!
    Here's to Australian authors! :)

  3. Ang, LOL, good, good.

    Suey, I know! The missing kiss was a huge disappointment.

  4. Sounds like a great book! I may have to add it to my TBR list. Great Review!

  5. Ooh, a positive, nay glowing, review! This is a book of interest to me...

  6. Hands up for those Australian authors!! Wait until you read my book'll probably have to eat your words ;P How come I didn't know about this one? Will go get a copy stat.

  7. I haven't heard about this book before but it sounds like a lot of fun! I'll have to keep a look out for this one :)

  8. The only book I've read recently by an Australian author was the first in the Tomorrow series and I just couldn't get into it at all. That said, I've heard AMAZING things about Melina Marchetta and Kirsty Eagars (Raw Blue) - neither of which I've read yet! - so I think you're definitely on to something. Added to my TBR. :)

  9. unabridged bookshelf, You should, it's great.

    Melissa, Oh come on, it's not THAT rare that I like a book. ;)

    Lan, I look forward to reading your book, don't you worry.

    Chrissie, It's worth it!

    Kaye, I really need to double check my stats, but anything I read by an Australian author rocks!

  10. Oh, I hadn't even heard of this book but I totally want to read it now! The title pulled me in and your review convinced me. It sounds awesome! Adding it to my wishlist. And it's by an Aussie - bonus points!

  11. Belle, I hope you read and enjoy it. You Aussie's rock!
