
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Review: Cinder

Title Cinder ( Lunar Chronicles 1)
By Marissa Meyer
For Fun
Pages 390
Recommended by Melissa 

First sentence The screw through Cinder's ankle has rusted, the engraved cross marks worn to a mangled circle.

A Cinderella retelling with a science fiction twist. Believe me...this isn't your mom's Cinderella and you'll be glad!

What it has going for it
Let me share a little secret. I'm not a huge fan of retellings, particularly fairy tale retellings, but when I saw the awesome cover to this lovely book and read the synopsis, I was very intrigued. The biggest problem with retellings, in my opinion, is the unoriginality. No matter what twist the author takes it's basically the same story you've read a million times. Not so with Cinder. Oh, sure, there's a prince and a girl who lives with her step mother and step sisters who's treated as a lower life form, but the whole science fiction twist and the melding of other fairy tales, that will come into play in the sequels, made for the most original and fun take on Cinderella I've ever read. In fact, the original pales in comparison to this one.  As you all know by now, I'm a bit of a picky negative reader and I go into books with a great deal of skepticism; my critical self on high alert, and I went into this book exactly the same, but no matter how hard I looked I couldn't find any faults. I really enjoyed this one and can't wait for the rest of the books to come out.

What's lacking
Oh, it's a tiny bit predictable but, as I learned from the author, it was supposed to be, so no issues there, and it did have a massive cliffhanger.

Yea or Nay
I think the review speaks for its self but in case you missed it: YES, read this one!


  1. I haven't really read any fairytale re-tellings before but this looks like a good place to start. I've read so many great reviews of this book that I really think I need to read it!

    Great review :)

  2. Okay, you convinced me! Now I'm double sorry that I didn't get to meet Ms. Meyer. :(

    1. Meeting her was fun but the book was funner. ;)

  3. Yay! I'm glad you liked Cinder because it means there's a bigger chance that I'll love it too. I actually kinda like retellings but only if they add something extra and who could ask for more than cyborgs?

    1. That's how I feel when I see you liked something. ;) Cyborgs definitely added the perfect twist.

  4. Oh, good, I'm glad you liked this one. I've got a copy by my bed and I started it but then became distracted. I like it, so far. Need to get back to it.

    1. Yeah, once you get into it I'm sure you'll like it.

  5. I have to get this one too, I have seen reviews for this popping up everywhere raving about it!

    1. I'm tempted to seek out bad reviews just to see if there are any. ;)

  6. I SOOOO want to read this badly. Everyone's been going on about it. GAHH! need a copy, like NOW. Great review! :D

    1. I hate that feeling! Don't worry, you'll get to it and hopefully love it too.

  7. YAY! So glad to hear you loved this one! I know what a tough critic you can be so if you enjoyed this one then I know I'm going to love it! Great review :D

    1. Yes, I am, and I looked and looked for things to be critical of but I just didn't find anything.

  8. Wow, I think our reviews are sort of similar this go around! What does this mean????

    1. Oh my gosh! I don't know. The cosmos are colliding? The end of the world is near? Hmmm, maybe we're just spending enough time together that are personalities are did just write a post of books you hated. ;)

  9. So glad to hear you liked Cinder! I can't wait to get to read it!!!

    1. LOL, I always feel like people must think it's amazing if I actually liked it. I'm sure there's negative reviews out there. Oh well, just ignore them, I loved it!
