
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Review: Inheritance

Title Inheritance (Inheritance book 4)
By Christopher Paolini
For Fun
Pages 880
Recommended by Me

First sentence The dragon Saphira roared, and the soldiers before her quailed.

The battle between Eragon, Sahpira, the Varden and the evil King Galbatorix comes to a head in the conclusion of this epic series.

General thoughts
Whew! I finally finished it! I'll admit after my re-reads of the first books in the series it was a bit of an overload, so I took a little break. Alright, the book sat on my nightstand taunting me everyday! I finally picked it up and waded through the first two hundred pages and then...holy crap, things took off! It was so exciting and heart wrenching that I kept talking out loud to the book. I couldn't put it down. Then  all that excitement builds to this huge climatic scene and ends, and I'm sitting there looking at the book and there's one hundred plus pages left and I'm thinking, WTH? But it all made sense. There was so much to wrap up that it just took that many pages. I ended up being glad for those pages so I could take a deep breath and see the good that came from all the fighting and trials and say goodbye to all the wonderful characters! Paolini wrapped up every little thing, all the intricate details, and whether you like the way he did it or not (and I'll admit there was one thing that bothered me) you have to admit he did, in fact, do so. (unlike some authors...ahem)  He did leave a few stories hanging but, as he's going to be writing more about Alagaesia in the future, it's fine by me. I thoroughly enjoy this series and all the naysayers can go wallow in their bitterness. They couldn't do any better no matter how hard they tried.

I'm sure I've said it before but one of my favorite things about this series are the characters and more importantly the relationships between them.

Would I recommend it?
Yes, despite all the naysayers, I would!


  1. I saw a copy of Eragon in a discount book the other week and even though I tried it once and couldn't finish it, I bought it anyway because I know you love it so much. I'm glad you finally picked up the last book and enjoyed it. I feel the same way about the Obernewtyn series. The Sending is out, but I just can't bring myself to read it. Maybe it's been too long.

  2. I've been trying to read it just this evening and I keep falling asleep! Yeah, I'm hoping to get "the good part" very soon!

  3. Lan, I don't know what happened but The Sending still hasn't come out here yet!

    Suey, I promise it gets good!

  4. Funny that I finished it before you. I did exactly the same thing you did and it took me awhile to read the last hundred pages but I enjoyed that I could slowly read them at my leisure.

  5. I remember when Eragon first came out, and how blown away people were by the fact that this young author had written such an amazing book at such a young age. I'm glad to see that the series has not faltered.

  6. Cowboy mom, Well, now I'm going to have to call and talk to you about it.

    TheBookGirl, I don't think it did at all but there sure are a lot of naysayers out there.

  7. I need to read this series eventually. But I'm currently on a bit of series burnout. I'm craving books that just stand on their own!

  8. I got Inheritance for Christmas. I'm glad to hear it ends well, as I was flagging a bit with the series as a whole. I'm looking forward to reading it now though - thanks for the reveiw!

  9. I'm going to save this one for over the summer, when I have trouble sleeping. That's the only way I got through The Silmarillion! I'm just glad the series is over. The students like it, but I DON'T!

  10. Small Blonde Hippy, It's getting mixed reviews but I liked it.

    Ms. Yingling, I'm kind of glad it's finally over too.
