
Thursday, March 1, 2012

February "Adults Only Month" Wrapup

So, this concludes my adults only month and, as you can see by the numbers, it didn't go so well. I probably shouldn't even bother with a wrapup post...oh well.

Midnight in Austenland by Shannon Hale
Love Shannon Hale's writing. Thy mystery didn't do it for me, though.

Atonement by Ian McEwan
Thank goodness for the last paragraph in the book! That's all I'm going to say.

Partials by Dan Wells
Awesome! Just awesome. Go buy it and read it already!

Shade by John B Olson
One shouldn't be dragged kicking and screaming through a book.

See? Told you it was a pathetic reading month for me. Favorite of the month was Partials. (funny, seeing as how it was the one non adult book I read) Least favorite was Shade.


  1. I only finished 4 books in February too! I had a hard time getting into most of what I started. (and can I just say that my internet filter tried to block your post because it said it had adult content in it. Sorry, that never gets old for me.) :)

    1. LOL! That's funny, I probably shouldn't have posts that say, "adults only". ;)

  2. I started to have a really slow month and then I read some children's books and super-short adult titles and whammo! The final total looks great! Just don't look at the page count, haha.

    1. Yeah, if I look at MY page count maybe I'll feel better. ;)

  3. That's still pretty good I think! That's a book a week! Can't wait to see what you read next :)

    1. Yeah, I've done worse before so I shouldn't be so upset but such is life.

  4. These "adult" books take more time! ATONEMENT alone, took forever. And I think it's hilarious that your favorite book of the month is a YA one.

    1. I know! I think it had more to do with the choice of adult books rather than that they WERE adult books but, yeah.

  5. It's still better than what I've read that's for sure! And hey, you found one truly awesome book out of the whole thing so that's always a plus.

    1. Yes, at least one book was good. You have an excuse to not be reading, though. All that writing!

  6. I've read...ah...none of those. LOL I'm intrigued by Partials, though! Will look into it further...
