
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In My Thoughts This Fine Day #4

Yeah, the new job seems to be going OK but it isn't leaving a whole lot of time. My last job allowed me to read on the job, it was glorious. This one however is a little more like the picture above. So either I get home and catch up on blog reading and commenting and don't have time to read, or I read and don't have time to blog...oh what to do? I just hope I figure it out soon. I'm feeling so overwhelmed!

I haven't seen the new Batman yet but I'm going this weekend...I was super excited but am I the only one who feels like the horrible tragedy in Colorado sort of tainted the movie? So sad. Plus I'm hearing some not so good things about it... :(

I keep seeing reviews on other's blogs about books and book series I have had sitting on my shelf forever. I want to read them but I keep putting them off. Maybe my expectations are too high so I'm scared. Maybe there are other books I'd rather read first, or maybe there's just too many dang books in the world! Am I the only one who just can't seem to pick up that certain book?

Well have a great week and happy reading!


  1. Oi! I told you, "Having a job is awesome but not nearly as awesome as being an unemployed, crazy, cat lady."

    1. Yeah,I'm not sure what I was thinking. I still incorporated plenty of kitties into my post to stake claim on my crazy cat lady status, though.

  2. Don't stress about it! You'll find your new groove soon enough (note: it took me over 6 months to get into a blogging/reading/working grove that actually worked, so be patient!) and we'll just patiently wait with you!

    I do feel like the new Batman is a little tainted, it's going to be the movie that everyone talks about for all the wrong reasons.

    I have a good many books that people everywhere say are excellent that I just don't ever pick up for various reasons.

    1. It's only been a week so I know I need to calm down. It will come. I'm just so stressed.

  3. A new schedule is always overwhelming and tiresome. I'm sorry that you're feeling that way right now. It's definitely no fun. You'll figure out a good routine, though. :)

    I've read some bad things about the movie too. But, after having seen it, the only thing I can say about those bad things is that some people are just too picky. I really thought the movie was good and makes a great ending to the trilogy, especially when you think of the trilogy as a whole. I think you'll like it.

    I must have a heart of stone because while I think the shooting in Colorado is tragic and I wish it hadn't happened, it doesn't taint the movie for me. I guess I see it as something separate because it could've happened in any movie.

    And, yes, I feel that way all the time about books! There are a few books I'm reluctant to pick up even though I want to read them. You're definitely not alone!

    1. I'm glad it hasn't tainted it for you. That doesn't make you cold or unfeeling it makes you optimistic. :)

    2. So, did you go with Suey? What did you end up thinking? I'm very curious.

  4. Oh, I hate when I don't have time to do all the stuff I want! If I don't get time at work to read (which, sometimes I don't) I just can't fit in time for blogging and reading, etc. Good luck adjusting to your job!

    1. Thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets stressed trying to find time.

  5. There are a couple of books that people say they just loved and for some reason I keep put off reading them. I don't know if I'm scared I'm not going to like them or it's just the fact that new books are released every week and it's so hard to keep up.

    1. Yeah, the new books getting released every week makes me feel like I'll never catch up!

  6. I know what you mean about putting off certain books! I haven't started the Heroes of Olympus series yet even though I own both books because I loved Percy Jackson so much and I'm worried it won't be as good!

    1. Yeah, I have books that I'm terrified to read. I want to love them so much.

  7. It's so funny you mention putting off books, because I was JUST thinking about that. I have a couple posts coming up soon about series books and also books I haven't gotten around to reading yet even though I wanted so much to read them when I bought them. I think it's a combination of everything--you have books you need to review first, you worry whether you'll like it, you buy a new book and forget to read what you already have... lol.

    1. Yep, it's a combination for sure. Glad to know I'm not the only one. ;)

  8. 24 hour days are not long enough for everything. I think you'll figure out a good schedule sooner or later.

    The cat-bat is very cute :)

    1. Yeah, and it doesn't help that I'm so tired lately that I need so much sleep. Isn't that kitty cute?!

  9. The lol cat at the office is so cute! That is hilarious. If I saw that at work everyday, I'd probably like my job.

    Hope you get used to a new reading routine and figure out when to read without getting into trouble. :)

  10. Congrats on the new job! Even though I don't work full-time I completely relate to this statement: "So either I get home and catch up on blog reading and commenting and don't have time to read, or I read and don't have time to blog...oh what to do?" That's my dilemma after I get my kids in bed and my free time begins.

    Let us know what you think of the movie when you see it. I think I will see it in the next week or two with DH.

    1. Yeah, I shouldn't complain. I don't have kids. I can't imagine balancing them too.

  11. I also suffer from the no time syndrome. And it feel like I keep having to give up one of the things I love most. Either the blog suffers, the reading suffers or I don't get to watch any TV. I don't know how helpful this is but I've found that blogging less on my own blog means I can devote more time to reading other blogs. Plus I don't have to think of as many insightful posts so that frees up time too. I hope you settle in and find your rhythm. If all else fails do what I do, open up a book in PDF and read it whilst pretending to be working!

    1. Lol. There's a idea. My posting has already taken a draw back. :( oh well.

  12. I haven't seen the Batman movie, but my husband and 13yo son said it was AWESOME. Not just for the special effects either, but for the storyline. I know it's totally irrational, but I was actually really nervous about them going to see it, even though the odds of them getting gunned down was very, very unlikely. *Sigh* Will theaters ever feel safe again?

  13. I ended up liking the Batman movie. The ending was a nice payoff. I'm glad the job is going well. I have the same dilemma every night - computer or reading. But it works out in the end.

    We need to have our EMMA get-together soon!

    1. I'm sure I'll figure it out soon. We'll get together but because of said job it's going to have to be dinner instead.

  14. I'm with you on the Batman thing. i don't really want to see it in the theatre anymore. And you're right, the ratings haven't been all that stellar.

    It can be tough to balance work and pleasure, huh? I always tell my husband I want 36 hour days. :)

    1. Yeah, the extra hours would be nice but I'd probably just use them to sleep. ;)

  15. I am so with you!!! This summer has really thrown me for a loop. I got so stressed I needed to take a big step away and took all of last week and did not even look at my blog. now I feel a bit better:) Yeah, I have a lot of books on my shelf that I really want to read... But I am afraid of all the disappointment. I love these post!!!
