
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

In My Thoughts This Fine Day #5

1. So, in this new world of Netflix and On Demand and Red Box, renting a movie is practically a click of a button away. It's quite nice really. I don't have Netflix and rarely use Red Box's but I rent all my movies off On Demand. There's nothing like deciding I want to watch that latest new release and not having to go out to get it or worry that it might be all rented out. With just a few pushes of a button on the remote, I'm watching. Glorious! But, um, there is a not so tiny flaw in this system that really bothers me. I hate that if I want to watch an old favorite that I don't own, I'm screwed. Red Box and On Demand are very limited on movie selections and even Netflix fails more often than not. How the heck are we supposed to watch our old favorites if we didn't buy them? You know? Thank goodness for my local library and their great selection. But how long will that be around? How long until that's obsolete and hundreds of old movies get lost to us forever? Stresses me out, people!

2 I've whined about the Auto Correct on my phone before but now I'm going to whine again. For some unfathomable reason my phone chooses to think that THIS should be THUS. Seriously?! Who the hell even says THUS anymore?! Why on earth would it think THUS must be the word I wanted? Ticks me off! Thus the rant. ;) 

3 The whole not using pictures on our blogs that we don't have permission for kinda ticks me off. Mainly because I think if you post a picture on the worldwide web you've pretty much put it out there and need to accept that it's probably going to get stolen. Sorry, but it's true. Plus if I post a picture on my blog and someone steals it I could care less. Why? Because the minute I put it on the internet I accept what all people should. It's out there. It's going to get used. I'm also just mad that I need to go take all the pictures off my old blog posts so I don't run the risk of getting sued. I don't have time, people! Argh. I bet you half the pictures I "stole" were stolen to begin with!


  1. You know I've never tried the On Demand movies because you pay for something you don't get to keep. That annoys me for some reason.

    And don't get me started on the pics on the blog thing. I've delayed a couple of posts on my blog because of it. I've become really paranoid. But you're so right, the pics on my blog prob were stolen from somewhere else. I still maintain that we're not making money from it and seriously, It's totally free advertising if we link back.

    1. Yeah, this picture thing is just annoying me! So do you even rent movies? Cause you don't get to keep them either...

    2. Nope. No movie rentals! I buy the ones I really love when they're cheap! Though I have pay tv with movie channels on it...

    3. Interesting. And kinda unusual.

  2. I feel like I need to go through my blog and replace all my pictures. I hate law suits.

    1. Yeah, and I just don't have the time! It makes me crazy.

  3. Auto Correct gets me every time. Currently every time I type "are" my phone thinks I want "ate" and really, I hardly, if ever use the word "ate". So frustrating.

    I have much to say on photos. My dad's hobby is photography, and he's real serious about it. Like professionally serious about it. Do you know how many pictures my dad has put on the internet? ZERO! Why? Because ANYONE can just use them and he would never know and he doesn't want his work to be used for just anyone because it's his. The only workaround to this is to put a watermark on it, which is what professional photography places do so that you can see the pic, but can't use it. If you're really worried about people using your picture without permission the best thing you can do is not put it on the internet.

    In short, I totally agree with you about the pictures!

    1. That's another one! My auto correct does that too. I'm not giving a play by play to people about what I'm eating. Sheesh!

      You scared me there for a minute. I thought you were going to start yelling at me about the picture thing. I'm so glad you agree. I think that professional photgraphers should be able to put their work on line without fear of being stolen but that's what watermarks are for. Still, people will steal them. It's sad so I get it but...yeah.

  4. The Auto Correct on my phone used to do the same crazy things until I disabled it.

    The whole issue with pictures is why my blog looks boring. I'm not sure what's right and what's wrong anymore. So I took pictures of the sky, the moon and some clouds and played with a photo editing programme. Sky, moon and clouds are not owned by anyone (... yet).
    Book covers in posts seem to be ok.

    1. Oh, for the most part I really appreciate auto correct but every once in a while I want to kill it!

      Yeah, without pictures our blogs are pretty boring. I really don't get why it matters with most pictures where we got them but whatever!

  5. I've never even heard of Netflix so I'm probably not a best authority on the subject :P I loathe Autocorrect so much however that I've gone for the Blackberry, no need for Autocorrect there!

    I've used pictures from Google Images and put a not on my About me page saying if i've used someones image that they dont want me to use then email me and I can take it down. Some people i guess would want the exposure so it's a difficult battle (e.g. book covers)

    1. Wow, I didn't know anybody hadn't head of Netflix! Yeah, the picture thing is just frustrating. I don't get it. Mostly I think people are just looking for something to complain about.

  6. Jenny, I'm surprised that your autocorrect didn't put "this" for "thus" used correctly, just to be consistently confusing.

    1. Thanks for getting my joke. I don't think anybody else even noticed. Dang! I'm not as clever as I thought.

  7. My autocorrect always changed put to out. It bugs me because both are words. It's not as bad as yours, though. That's just annoying!

    And, yes, I'm worried about losing all the old movies too. I really want to watch Dune (the old bad one and the new mini-series) since I just finished rereading it, but it's nowhere to be found, except in a movie store and I don't want to buy either of them. Sigh.

    And, yeah, I understand what you mean about the pictures. I got burned by it a few years ago and now I'm overly paranoid about it. Now, I just buy stock images for my blog so I know I have the license to use it. But, who knows if they're getting stolen from me.

    1. Yeah, auto correct is so weird. I wish there was a way to go program it ourselves...maybe there is and I just don't know about it.

      That's scary that you got burned. I don't think I have enough followers to make anyone care but who knows.

  8. I know! The whole blog images thing is really annoying and it needs to stop. People need to get over themselves. I'm not profiting from using anyone's images on my blog, so what's the big deal?

    1. Amen! We aren't profitting so who the heck cares?!

  9. So... who's bugging you about pictures? Did someone complain? Are you REALLY worried about getting sued? Should I up my worry factor? Because at the moment, I'm not.

    I look forward to the day you get Netflix. :)

    1. No nothing happened to me personally but there's been talk going around. It's stressing me out is all.

      I don't know if I'll ever get Netflix but we'll see.

  10. Oh I needed this after a long day. For some reason it makes me feel better when people get annoyed over the same things I do.

    1. I'm glad I could brighten your day. I always feel better when others can empathize with my pain too.

  11. I am totally with you on the picture stuff. If someone isn't making a profit off it or otherwise defacing / libeling / slandering the artist or the work, it should not be a big ideal if they include it in a blog post.

    1. Exactly! We're not causing any harm. I don't get it.
