It's time for another Getting To Know You. A great meme hosted by Jenni that lets us get to know more about each other. This week's topic...Desserts. Could I seriously resist? About as much as I can resist the actual yumminess.
Texas sheet cake. Sigh! I love the warm gooiness and the fact that you can actually taste the sugar in the frosting. Can you say diabetes?
Oh, Chili's, you temptress you! The lava cake and I have a thing going on. Shhh, don't tell my husband.
Kneaders cheesecake brownies. So rich and yummy!
Leatherby's hot fudge brownie Sunday is absolutely sinful!
I could go on but I think I'm going to go eat something. ;) What Desserts do you like? Comment below or do your own post and link up.