
Monday, August 31, 2015

August Wrapup 2015

Another month has come and gone. August as you well know was Utah Book Month. A month dedicated to books written by Utah authors. First off, I just want to give a huge shout out to Suey, Jenni Jessica and Kami. These wonderful book bloggers are IRL friends as well a amazing bloggers. They put in so much time and effort to make this Utah Book Month absolutely awesome. They organized challenges and Twitter chats with awesome authors like Sara Zarr, Sara B Larson, Julianne Donaldson and Courtney Alameda. And they planned an awesome IRL Utah Blogger/Author/Writer party. These girls always do such a wonderful job organizing something that they get absolutely nothing back from. You go girls!

So part of Utah Book Month is reading as many books written by Utah authors as you can. Sadly, I only read three books by Utah authors and one book not by a Utah author. Here they are.

Bone Gap
Magic realism at its finest. Seriously, read this on and then you can thank me.

Not In The Script (Utah Author)
Not enough plot but a cute enough romance.

Stitching Snow (Utah Author)
Like The Lunar Chronicles? This Snow White retelling will satisfy for sure!

Transparent (Utah Author)
Sketchy writing but character and story so awesome, you won't care.

There you have it. Favorite of the month was Bone Gap. Least favorite was Not In The Script.

September's plans

I don't usually make reading plans but this month I'll be reading The Girl On The Train for book club and Poison by my awesome book blogging buddy Lan!Can't wait.



  1. Oooh, IRL book stuff! It sounds like you guys had a great month. I still haven't read Bone Gap. Thanks for the reminder. :)

  2. Stitching Snow is actually already on my tbr shelves! I don't pay enough attention to what states authors are from usually, but it's also cool to learn.

    Girl on the Train was soooooo good!

    1. I don't usually either but Utah Book Month helps me. Can't wait for TGOTT.

  3. I read Bone Gap too and loved it! Absolutely loved it! It is seemingly about nothing but yet it's about many things. Loved the beautiful storytelling.

  4. I've started Bone Gap... intrigued. Not sure what the magic is yet. Or what exactly got you all fired up... yet.

  5. As you know, I loved BONE GAP. I really need to read STITCHING SNOW. It's been on my TBR mountain chain for awhile now. Enjoy THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN. I liked it a lot as well.

    1. I wonder what you'll think of Stitching Snow.

  6. I'm so happy that you loved Stitching Snow! It made my day! :D And, I definitely want to read Bone Gap after what you've said about it. :D

  7. I'm definitely going to have to pick up Bone Gap! I'll also be really interested to hear what you think of The Girl on the Train - I haven't read it yet, but I keep hearing amazing things! Will look forward to your thoughts.

    1. You have to read Bone Gap. That's my "push it on everyone I know" book of the year.

  8. Ah, Utah book month looked so fun! Wish I were still there to go to the get together!

  9. Yes, read Poison ASAP! It's really great. :)
