
Thursday, January 7, 2016

Book Banter #7 Plot v Character

We're back! Did you miss us?! Sure you did. It's time for more Book Banter. This week Suey and I will be discussing plot vs character. You know what we mean. Are you a plot or character reader? Well, I'm a plot girl and Suey likes characters. Obviously we like both characters AND plot but if we had to choose...well here you go!

I remember at one point if someone were to ask me if I was a plot person or a character person, I’d fret and wring my hands and hum and ha and stress about the answer. That was years ago and since then I’ve learned that I lean much more toward the character side of things over the plot side of things. (Not say one is more important than the other… because as we all know, a story needs both.)

I’ve noticed that when others complain “but nothing is happening!” I’m like… “really? But stuff IS happening… the characters are talking, right?” So I guess my first reason is so what if nothing is happening as long as the characters are relating… meaning… they are bantering, talking, discussing, interacting, figuring stuff out, thinking, worrying, pondering. All those things ARE something. Which means… something IS happening! Was that a clear reason? Let me restate: Characters interacting is something happening!

Of course something is happening but it's like a day at the DMV. Sure, there's crazy people to see but it's not like you'd want to hang out there every day. See what I mean? There needs to be something going on. 

Characters make me happy. Sometimes plot goes over my head. Sometimes I miss the details and the ins and outs and the complicated nature of what’s going down… but I GET the characters! They fascinate me. They seem like real people. They are awesome, cool, vulnerable, crazy, swoony, and so many other things. They are the heart of the story and the part of the story that make me interested, much more so than the plot ever does.

Ah, but with out the brain the heart is just a lumpy red mass of muscle sitting there...doing....nothing. It even stops beating with out it's better parts! AKA plot. 

The questions that often arise in plot… where did that dead body come from and who killed it? Or who’s going to win the war and how? Or why is he going on this journey and will he get there? Etc etc. If those questions start being discussed in too much detail I get bored and start skimming to see if I can find where it “gets back to the story” which for me is when the people show up again!

Ha! All I have to say to this is when I'm reading and characters just start talking and carrying on, I flip ahead to see when things start happening again! 

Suey's Last Word
Of course, I enjoy a fast paced, moving, crazy good plot! Of course I do! BUT… the people are where it’s at! 

My Last Word
If the plot's racing you through the pages...who cares about some whiny character?

Hmmm, I think all we really proved today was that books need both plot AND great characters. Agreed? Don't forget to check out my more detailed feelings on plot on Suey's blog! 


  1. I do agree! There needs to be both. I love interesting characters and a great plot! I probably lean more towards plot myself. When nothing is happening, I get bored. I think the characters are as developed when there isn't anything going on.

  2. Hmm, I guess I'm character over plot person. Although, it really depends on the writing/author. Sometimes I love a book that has a great plot but not great characters, and other times I could care less about plot because the characters are so lovable.

    But my favorite books usually involve large casts of characters... so yes, I would pick character over plot, but only just. ;)

    1. Well, at least it's just barely. ;)

    2. Woot! One point for me! I need all I can get...

  3. I pick character over plot, but the two can't really be separated in a good story. You'll always need the plot to make the characters become interesting and the characters make a plot worth following.

    I just know, for me personally, I get attached to characters and if a story doesn't have any characters for me to love, then I barely care about what's going on. Everyone has their own preferences, but it's clear both are equally important in storytelling.

    1. It does help to have a character you care about, I'll admit.

    2. Thus... a very hard banter this week...

  4. I do like both, like you said. But, I'd choose character over plot. It also depends on the story. If it's romance, like Not in the Script, plot isn't needed because the character interaction is where it's at. If it's fantasy or sci fi, then plot is a must, but there still needs to be good characters I can root for or relate to.

    1. Yeah, I still say there needs to be SOMETHING going on.

    2. And sometimes the something is ROMANCE! :)

  5. I'm more of plot person as well. I think it is because I like to see characters changed by their story and that can be more subtle with character driven stories. However, you both are right that you need both for a really great story.

    1. Yeah, this one was tough. I love both but I need things to be happening.

  6. I'm more of a character person, I think. I definitely enjoy reading dialogue the most, and even if a book has a great plot, if the characters aren't up to scratch, I won't enjoy it. Though at the same time, if a book was just characters sitting in a room doing absolutely nothing, I would probably be so bored, so a nice balance of the two would definitely be best.

    1. Yeah, I think we've concluded that a mix of both is best.

  7. Well, at least you sparked a discussion here! The subject crashed and burned on my blog! :)

  8. A mix of both is definitely best, I agree. :) But I also have to side a bit with Suey because characters will make or break a book for me. If I'm not feeling the characters, a lot of action isn't going to save the story. (I always go back to this example, but Dune is where this theory really hit home for me.) Plus I have read and enjoyed several books that were very quiet, with not a lot of action at all.

    But yes! Both things are important! You certainly can't have all character with no plot, it just would NOT work. :D
