
Friday, January 29, 2016

Review: Smile

Title Smile
By Raina Telgemeier
Genre Graphic Novel, Middle grade
Pages 224
Rating ⭐️⭐️

Growing up is hard enough with grade school to junior high transitions, crushes on boys, dealing with snarky friends, breakouts and puberty. Throw in some serious dental issues and poor Raina might not survive.

First Sentence

  • Graphic novels really aren't my thing because I like more depth but I adore how quickly you can read them. This whole book took me about 20 minutes to read. 
  • This book is totally relateable. I never had to get braces but I had to go to the dentist so much I ended up with a irrational fear of dentists and dental work...luckily I grew out of it. But reading this story and seeing the great pics that went with it brought back some memories. 
  • I love that the story AND the art is by the author and that it's a memoir of sorts. 
  • I liked the style of art work. Except the pics of the bloody dental work and the gauze. *shudders*
  • A cute read that pre-teens will love. For me it wasn't a favorite but I liked it well enough. 

Should you read it?
It's a good clean read with fun pictures and a relatable MC. If graphic novels are your thing (or your kids) then yes, read it.  


  1. I'm glad you liked it and that you could relate to it. I guess I didn't go to the dentist enough as a kid. I've never been afraid of the dentist. My sister is a hygienist and she always cleaned my teeth.

  2. I liked her graphic novel, Drama, which I read for Banned Books Week, and I'll probably keep an eye out for this graphic novel at the library- I'm definitely enjoying reading them more this year than in previous years.

    1. One of her books was banned? What?! Now I'm curious.

  3. I should get into graphic novels because they're so easy to read that I'll reach my goodreads challenge no sweat!!

  4. This is a SUPER popular book at my kids' elementary school. My 13yo daughter loves this book and author. I've yet to read her books, but I need to.

    1. Yeah, I can see kids loving and relating to it.

  5. I saw this at B&N a while back and skimmed through it. It definitely looks cute!

  6. High praise for 2 stars. I love how relateable the MC is! It is one of my favorite things about the book, and I like that the author is the illustrator as well.

    1. Yeah my stars are the equivelant of Goodreads. So I thought this one was OK.

  7. I LOVE Raina Telgemeier! Her books are super cute! I had a retainer, head gear, and braces (the whole shebang) so I could really relate to it!

    1. Wow! No fun. I think most kids can relate. I didn't have braces but I had tons of dental work done as a kid. I think most kids have.
