
Sunday, May 22, 2016

30 Days of Books Day 6

Day 7: Book That Makes You Sad. Hmm, what kind of sad? Good sad or bad?

Good Sad

This one is a sad book about a sad kid. I'm not even sure there's a lot of hope in it but it makes me feel sad in a good way. Not hopeless or anything.

Bad Sad

Oh my hell! This book! I loathed it but for some reason (probably the inexplicable impossibility of the MC tasks) it made me just sob in frustration at life and horrible people...It was a dark time reading this book and I would NEVER read it again...or recommend it to anyone!


  1. Catcher in the Rye is going to be an answer for one of my prompts. But, not this one, lol. I want to read the Juliet Marillier series. I'm sure I'll like it, even though you didn't. We'll see, though.

    1. I wonder what you'll think. I'm seeing a lot of freaking out! ;)

  2. That is too bad you had such a strong reaction to DAUGHTER OF FOREST. I enjoyed it but have yet to read the rest of the series. If you were to read my blog you would quickly find out that is so normal. lol

    1. I'm the same. I'm so bad at finishing series. I'm working on that this year though.

  3. I still haven't read Catcher in the Rye yet! I keep meaning to but somehow it always slips my mind when I'm at the library. Thanks for reminding me! I'm glad you thought it was a good sad and not a bad sad :)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Yeah, it's a classic. You should give it a go.

  4. Catcher in the Rye is one of those books that I read thinking that it was going to be some big moment in my life, but I didn't really like it or hate it. I guess I went in with really big expectations? I knew that the man who shot John Lennon was carrying a copy of the book with him, so I guess I was expecting something... controversial?

    I haven't read Daughter of the Forest, but I doubt it'll make my tbr pile now. ;)

    1. Hmm, I didn't expect much going into Catcher. I just loved it.
