
Friday, June 10, 2016

30 Days of Books Day 19 & 20

Day 19: Favorite book turned into a movie. Ha! This one's easy! 

I love Wives and Daughters! In fact, I like the movie better than the book. Mostly becuase it has an ending! I just think their casting is superb. When I read the book I imagine the actors and actresses because they're so great! Hmmm, might be time for a rewatch!

Day 20: Favorite romance book. Not a romance fan. I mean I love romance but I need more to a story. So, I'll post a book that has a romance in it that's my favorite...How's that? It's still hard to choose, though, so I'll post the one I find romantic today. 

Today I'm feeling this one. The romance comes so gentle and slow and though it doesn't burn with passion, I quite like it. Have you read this book? If not, you should, or at least watch the cute Hallmark movie version. Oh, and if you want steamy...

Though, I think the movie's a bit more passionate than the book.


  1. I've never read Wives & Daughters nor have I seen the movie. I'll have to take a look at it.

    I'll have to look up the other two books you mention and see if they'd interest me. :)

  2. I've never read any of these! 😮😮😮 I'll have to look them up. Wives and Daughters looks especially good.

  3. Why have I not heard of Wives and Daughters? Actually, I haven't heard of any of these books. Now I feel like I must be living in some kind of YA bubble!

  4. I love The Magic of Ordinary Days! It's one of my favorite romances. :)

    1. Yay! Someone that's read it. Have you seen the movie?

    2. I have seen the movie, and I thought they did a good job of it. Plus, Skeet Ulrich for two hours isn't too bad. :)

  5. I will definitely check out Wives and Daughters. I love the movies of Magic of Ordinary Days (one of my favorite titles!) and The Painted Veil... but have yet to read the books.

    1. The books are just different enough to enjoy separately.

  6. I haven't read any of these, but they look interesting. I'll have to check them out.

    1. You should. Definitely Wives and Daughters!

  7. I have not yet gotten around to reading Elizabeth Gaskell. That feels like an embarrassing confession. I've read The Painted Veil, though, and I loved it. I liked the movie even better. It had a much, much better ending, in my humble opinion. Yep, more passionate, definitely.

    1. I love the movie of The Painted Veil. The ending was better than the book.

  8. You love Wives and Daughters! I did not know you were a fan of period dramas, or at least this particular one. That's awesome! Did you like the book, even if not better than the miniseries? I haven't read it, though I do have it on my shelf.

    I love movie version of Ordinary Days, good to know the book is wonderful too! I'll have to add it to my TBR.
