
Saturday, July 9, 2016

In My Thoughts This Fine Day #13

Occasionally, I go through my TBR shelf on Goodreads and purge. Take off all those titles I no longer want to read. It's quite painful. I'm always afraid I'll purge a book I might have loved. Still, with over 800 books on my TBR shelf there's just no way, right? So I purge. And lately I've been considering purging my physical book shelves. *gulps* I don't know, guys. Can I do it? Will it feel good? I spent money on those books and if I get rid of a book I've never even read will I regret it?

Guys, I seriously miss routine! I know, it sounds crazy, but if your life was as unpredictable and crazy as mine...or if it is, you'd understand. I just want to have a nice normal life for awhile! Sigh! Hopefully one day it'll go back to normal and I'll miss the craziness.

I'm going to get really annoying for a minute! So I read and comment on all my fellow blogger friend's blogs via Feedly. Every day. On. My. Phone. And yet, I see all these people say it's just so hard to comment from a phone and they never have time anymore. What?! I find the time when I'm waiting in line at the bank or grocery store. And commenting from a phone is easy. I'll admit if I have a really long comment that it gets a bit tedious but if I keep my comments short and sweet, it's easy-peasy! Not that I'm trying to guilt trip anyone. I guess I just don't get it. I don't find it hard at all. Anyone else use their phone to read and comment on blogs? Tell me I'm not alone!


  1. I flip through my feed reader quickly on my computer at some point during my day. I will comment here and there with my phone, but I prefer my computer. lol

    1. It's definitely easier on a computer. I have a harder time making time on a computer.

  2. You're the best blog commenter ever, no matter how you do it!

    I don't check blogs or comment using my phone because I'm old and it's hard for me to read things on the teensy tiny screen. I much prefer my computer for reading/commenting on blogs. It's just easier for me with my sausage fingers and 40-year-old eyes!

    1. Lol! Oh please. But yeah, I get it. I prefer the computer. I just find it so much easier time wise to use my phone.

  3. It's good to clear the shelves once in awhile...not of everything, but of everything that you don't love, have read but don't want to read again, loved once but no longer need to keep, or anything that causes you guilt of any kind. It's cathartic. AND it makes room in your life for new and better things to enter in. Good luck!

  4. I did a purge of my books last year, and while it was a little stressful at first, in the end it was nice not to have the pressure of owning so many unread books. I hope it works well for you too!

  5. I like knowing someone else could enjoy the books and a worthy organization could make some money. I keep very few books. I know I can always get it at a library if I simply had to read it again.

    Ha. Yeah. No reading or commenting on my phone. Old ladies gotta unite on this one. Too small.


  6. I recently did a purge of my physical book shelf and then stopped half way because I picked up a book and read it and loved it! It's so hard paring down a TBR. Wish we had more time!!!

    I sometimes read and comment on my phone when I've got time at work. My problem with the phone is that I make so many spelling mistakes that autocorrect to something appalling!

  7. I don't get the not being able to comment from the phone either. I do it all the time too. I prefer to comment from the computer, but I'll do it with my phone. So, yeah, I here you.

  8. I just purged my Goodreads to-read list too! There was a fair amount of angst involved. :) I comment from my phone too, though I didn't used to. I would flag the posts I wanted to comment on and try to go back to them later. That was... an imperfect system. 😂 But now days it's not hard to just use your phone, so I'm not sure what the big deal is there either.

  9. I Goodreads-purge regularly and it feels good. I can't handle having so many books piling up and me realizing I'm just not that into them, anymore. Can't have those hangers-on hanging around.

  10. I don't use my phone for blog commenting or reading for a couple of reasons. One being I like to read a blog with a larger screen and secondly, my phone isn't set up for that (because it's an inexpensive pay-as-you go "smart" phone). That said, you make an excellent point about when you can find the time. Those are great ideas. :)

  11. I just recently purged my bookshelves, but those books I have decided to get rid of have not left my house yet and it has been nearly 2 months! I really, really dislike letting books go but I some how have 5 big 6ft shelves full and can't keep them all.

    I know I am super bad about keeping up with reading friend's blogs and commenting, I get so wrapped up in my little world. I do only access blogs at work so if I am busy then I just get my posts up and get back to business. I am trying to get better about it because I do love keeping up with you and my other fellow book blogger friends. I don't access the blogs from my phone or home computer because if I am not at work, I have the little man. I am a work in progress, trying to find a balance of everything.

  12. I go through and purge the Goodreads TBR as well. I've also been thinking of purging my physical books, but I haven't had a the guts. What I really need to purge is my stuffed animals, but I know that will hurt. *sigh*

    I only read blogs on my computer, so I don't have a technical commenting problem. I have a "I don't know what to say" problem.

    1. p.s. About wanting to get a schedule, I'm having a planner party with Jessica B on Monday! I've started a Passion Planner, and I LOVE IT! You could come and see what it's all about and see if you like it. Let me know!

  13. I'm scared to get rid of books. I like routine... crazinesss makes me crazy. And commenting with my phone makes me crazy.

  14. I do not comment on my phone at all ... anymore. I used to have a fairly nice phone that it was not quite so tedious. Then, that phone was stolen from me, and I had to get a cheaper phone to get me by until my contract is up. It's not as easy and I find myself not commenting as much as I used to. I need to get back to it ... a routine in general. I've been so bad lately about a lot of things!

  15. I tried commenting via the Feedly app a few years ago and had trouble with it, which is why I gave it up. But they've probably updated it by now, so if you say it's really easy, then maybe I'll check into it again...

    I've been contemplating going through my TBR pile at home as well! I'm a bit scared for the same reasons as you, hence I haven't done it yet. But maybe someday! Have you tried it yet?
