
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Review: Bright Smoke, Cold Fire

Title Bright Smoke, Cold Fire (Bright Smoke, Cold Fire #1)
By Rosamund Hodge
Genre YA Fantasy
Rating ⭐️⭐️

Rosamund Hodge takes on the story of Romeo and Juliet in this fantasy novel with everything from zombies to reapers and everything in between.

First Sentence
If he does not come soon, she may not have the heart to kill him.

If you remember, I absolutely adored Cruel Beauty by Hodge and am eager to read all the books she's written. However, I'm not a Romeo and Juliet fan...and that's putting it lightly. Still, I thought if anyone could get me to like their story it would be Hodge, so I gave it a try. And, well, it has Hodge's great writing and world building and I was grateful that it focused on (Rosaline) Runajo and Paris rather than Romeo and Juliet but because they were in it I was still annoyed.

The take on Juliet and what she was, was clever and unique and while it made me like her a little more, I just couldn't like Romeo. He was a s dramatic and stupid as ever.

The world created in this one was awesome and I was very involved in Runajo's story but I have such mixed feelings. I wanted to like it better than and I did and I wanted more resolution. This one was just set up for more in book two with absolutely no closure.

Sigh! While I didn't ended up hating this one I was so disappointed with the "non ending" of this one and Romeo's stupid antics that I'm just not sure I'll read anymore in the series. However I liked the world Hodge created and want to see what happens to Runajo. I'm so torn!

Should You Read It
I wouldn't tell you to outright avoid it.


  1. This actually sounds like one I'd like. I'm not a huge Romeo and Juliet fan, but I don't dislike them either. So, I may like this simply because I seem to enjoy the retellings more than I enjoy the originals, lol.

  2. While I don't have such strong feelings against Romeo and Juliet as you do, I still think I'll stick with her other book...the one you said you adored. What was it? Cruel Beauty? :)

    1. Yes. Cruel Beauty and I just meshed together better.

  3. Hmmmm a Romeo and Juliet retelling? I have to give the author points for originality! I think I'll end up having the same reaction as you, though. I didn't like the original story at all so I can't imagine I would enjoy reading about the characters. I may have to give it a shot though just to see what such a retelling would be like! Lovely review, Jenny!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  4. I really, really dislike non-endings. :(

    1. Me too. I need some sort of resolution.

  5. I think it is so funny that you keep reading Romeo and Juliet retellings. I might give this a try. I want to give Cruel Beauty another go some day.

    1. Yeah, what's up with that. I should just stop. I'm still sad that you didn't like Cruel Beauty.

  6. I'm not a fan of Romeo and Juliet either which is why, much as I love Cruel Beauty and therefore Rosamund Hodge, I haven't been able to try this one. Maybe one day? We shall see...

  7. I have had this one sitting on my TBR shelf for about a year now and I am a little more hesitant to read it now. I didn't realize it was part of a series. I still plan to give it a try this year but it may be one I have to put down and just let go of, but who knows maybe the world building will hold me to it.
