
Friday, January 19, 2018

Mini Movie Reviews #13

Oi! Not only am I so behind on movie reviews that I find myself doing a mini movie review post
instead of a Friday Flicks post but it's almost 6:00pm and Friday is almost over. I've been trying to blog more laid plans, right?

Star Wars: The Last Jedi
I told you I was behind! Unlike everyone else I just saw this one a few weeks ago. It was too over-hyped and over-crowded to bother before that. We actually went and saw this one on our Oregon coast vacation at a little theater in Tillamook. Guys, I was disappointed. I really like The Force Awakens and I even liked Rouge One but this one felt...different? Wrong? Everything that happened and everything that was said just had me wondering what was going on. I almost felt like someone was going to stop the movie and step out apologizing and saying it was all a joke and NOW they were going to play the real movie. It was that bad. I know a lot of people had issues with this one but I wasn't bugged by all the little details that seemed to bug everyone else. I just thought it felt like a joke. It didn't feel like a Star Wars movie at all.

All The Money in the World
This is one my husband wanted to see and I obliged. Aren't I a peach? ;) I found slightly less intense than I wanted but very fascinating. I didn't even know about J. Paul Getty. Did you? The man was infuriating and I'm glad the whole thing ended the way it did. I'm sure Hollywood changed things up quite a bit but I'm glad of it. I bet in real life (I have't bothered to look it up) it didn't turn out as nicely.

Insidious: The Last Key
Of all the dumb, horrible, b-rated horror movies I've seen, The Insidious movies are my favorite. They follow a slightly different formula than most horror movies and I love it. Curious what that difference is? You know how horror movies always end with you thinking they solved things but in the last 30 seconds of the show they show you it wasn't solved? The evil is still out there? I freaking hate that! The insidious movies don't do that. There's a problem, they investigate, get the crap scared out of them, and then solve the problem. For real. There's no cheap dun dun duuun! moment at the end. Unless it's hinting at the next installment. This one felt a little off to me like Star Wars but I still enjoyed it and was very happy where the ending left us.

Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle
This one was exactly how I thought it would be. Most of the funny moments were shown in the previews which made for a somewhat boring experience but the cast was great. Both casts. I was entertained but didn't necessarily feel like I should have paid full price to see it in theaters. I easily could have caught it on Netflix in a few months and been glad I hadn't spent money on it.


  1. Everyone in my family has seen the new Star Wars but me. I'm not a big fan, so I probably won't bother seeing it. My kids want to see Jumanji, but it looks silly. I liked the original, so I'll probably catch the new version when it comes out on Netflix. I've never heard of All the Money in the World -- sounds like one I might like.

    Thanks for the mini-reviews! I don't go to the theater very often, so when I do I want to make sure I'm seeing movies that are worth it :)

    1. Thanks. Not sure if my opinion should be your gage though. ;) Jumanji might be fun to bring your kids too but waiting won’t hurt a thing.

  2. I still haven't seen Last Jedi. A die hard Star Wars fan at work was disappointed too and that has really put me off! I have a feeling I'll be the same because Rogue One was not a favourite movie of mine.

    1. Yeah, Rouge One wasn’t a favorite either but it was much better and more entertaining than this one.

  3. I haven't seen The Last Jedi yet either and I've heard lots of mixed things. Such a bummer when a movie you're expecting to love disappoints.

    1. Yeah, it’s very depressing. You could wait to see it. No point paying full price.

  4. This is a great list of movies. I've been wondering about them - the only one I've seen is Star Wars. I'm sooo sorry you were disappointed by Star Wars. I went and saw it twice. I know there are some polarizing things in it, but I loved it.

    1. Yeah, I think I’m alone in my feelings for that one.

  5. I still haven't seen Star Wars because hubby found a copy online and watched it and didn't like it. He also watched it when he knew I wanted to see it in theatres. So, I think I will pass and watch it when it is available in another format. We don't have a movie theatre here, so we kind of suck at actually going. lol

    1. Oh bummer that he watched without you. Sorry you have to wait, though I don’t think you’re missing much.

  6. I'm sorry you hated The Last Jedi. I liked it a lot. And, I hate Insidious with a passion because I HATE boogie man movies. HATE, HATE, HAAAAAATE them. I loved Jumanji. I thought it was hilarious!

    1. I'm glad you liked The Last Jedi. I don't remember the boogie man. It's been a while since I saw the first one but I thought the "villain" was a demon.

  7. I wasn't a fan of Star Wars either, it just felt off. Beyond all the little nitpicks I had lol. So I'm with you on that!

  8. I has some problems with the new Star Wars- as much as I enjoyed Grumpy Luke, I was really sad that he wasn't more... Skywalker like, and the whole middle part with the casino ended up being... pointless? J. Paul Getty was a monster, but I haven't seen the movie. I haven't seen a lot of movies recently, but we did see Star Wars the day it came out, Pitch Perfect 3 on Christmas, and then My Friend Dahmer in December too (on a rare day off for both the Hubs and I). I need to watch more of the Insidious movies, because I both love and hate to watch horror movies (I scare so easily, and yet I'm drawn to them).

    1. Yeah there was a lot of pointless stuff going on in Star Wars. I just didn't get it.

  9. I kinda want to see Jumanji, but I don't want to pay too much for it either. I'll wait for redbox.

  10. Because of how disappointed everyone seems to be in The Last Jedi, I decided to spoil myself on what happens. I'm glad I did because I'm just going to wait until it comes out for rental. Plus, I can temper my expectations accordingly. Sad that it's becoming something unrecognizable, this trilogy, that is.

    1. I'm hoping this one was just a fluke. If you go into it with low expectations you might enjoy it better.

  11. I watched The Last Jedi and Jumanji and though they are OK. I've no comments with the former and thought the latter was entertaining. Perhaps it's just me but I thought the last Jumanji story was more interesting. Maybe it's the setting. I wonder if there'll be another Jumanji movie in the near future, ha.
