
Monday, August 1, 2011


So, I participated in R.A.K hosted by Book Soulmates for the month of July, and though I didn't receive any books I did send two to some fellow bloggers and made two new friends and isn't that what it's really all about? 

I sent Never Let Me Go to Rebekka of Pretty Deadly Reviews.

And I sent Wither to Kristen of Such A Teenage Bookworm.
I'm a little too stressed and busy this month to join R.A.K again, but maybe next month.


  1. Wow! That's so generous of you! July was MY very first month of RAK! I'm in love with the idea now!! (:

    Here's my July RAK wrap-up if you want to check it out:

  2. Harpreet, Thanks for stopping by. RAK was fun, wasn't it?

  3. Oh, that was so lovely of you! I really need to find Never Let Me Go. (And every time I see the cover of Wither I have to look at it for a minute, it's so well done.)

  4. Kaye, I hate to admit it at the risk of being yelled at but I don't really get what everyone likes about the cover to Wither.
