
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Top Ten Tuesday

Today  The Broke and the Bookish asks the question: What Are The Top Ten Sequels You're Dying To Read?

Oh dear. Just ten? K, I'll try.

1 Vanish (firelight 2) By Sophie Jordan
I've just heard too much about Cassian and I'm very curious now.

2 Black Heart (curse workers 3) By Holly black
So excited!!!!

3 The Minority Council (urban magic 4) By Kate Griffin
This is the one I'm most excited about. Just in case you wondered. ;)

4 Endure (need 4) By Carrie Jones
She just has to end up with Astley!

5 Shine (shade 3) By Jeri Smith-Ready
I've gobbled up the first two and now I want the next one now....please!  

6 Inheritance (inheritance 4) By Christopher Paolini
And it only makes it worse that I've waited so long!

7 Bitterblue (the seven kingdoms 3) By Kristen Cashore
Well, I get a little sick of feeling like the author is pushing feminism but I still love her writing.

8 Exile (mercy 2) By Rebecca Lim
After the cliffhanger at the end of Mercy...yeah. I hate that it's out a whole year before us in Australia.

9 The Sending and The Red Queen (chronicles of obernewtyn 7 & 8) By Isobelle Carmody
Not long now!!! Can't wait!

10 Untitled Odd Thomas (odd thomas 5) By Dean Koontz
There IS going to be a fifth one dangit! Please, Dean, please write it!

And then there's all the sequels that are already out but I haven't gotten to yet. I could make a whole list of them too. Sigh. : (


  1. I haven't read any of these series! But The Seven Kingdoms and the Shade series are definitely on my to-read list!

  2. I have been meaning to pick up that Holly Black series, but now I think I'll wait until they're all out. And I have Shade from the library so I need to get cracking. :)

  3. That's a lot of sequels! Good luck.

  4. Selina, I can't decide what you'd think of The Seven Kingdoms series...I think you'll like Shade, though, even if it is paranormal. ;)

    Kathy, Yes, you need to read both Shade and the Curse Workers series. ;)

    Dana, I know, so many!

  5. Inheritance for sure!!! I feel like I've spent my whole life waiting for this book.

    The Cait Files

  6. Sigh......Who knew I was SSOOOO sheltered. I'm not sure what to do here. There are a lot of these series that you make sound soo good but I can never find them in the ahem bookmobile. If I happen to remember the title or author when It actually comes here every other Tuesday. grrr

  7. Cait, I know! It does feel that way doesn't it?

    Cowboy mom, Well, before you go to said...ahem...bookmobile just check out your list. You do have a list right? And if all else fails you can spend your golden years reading from our library.

  8. Boy, That would be pure bliss. Uh...Yeah...a list...I've been gonna do that.

  9. I've read Need, but just couldn't get into Captivate. But now that I see that whatsherface is with Astley, I want to know what's up! May pick it up on a rainy day.

  10. Only one in common this time! It's okay, though, you read a lot more than I do. :)

  11. Bitterblue is on my list too. I'm way excited to get my hands on it! I suppose that the series does push a feminist perspective, but I find it remarkably refreshing in a sea of YA love triangles, insta-love, and that creepy "man possessing the woman" vibe that a lot of the paranormal books have these days.

    I couldn't get into Sophie Jordan. I wanted to, but none of the characters made a big impact on me. It was just kind of "meh." And my reaction to the series is the mildest I've read. :p

  12. Cowboy mom, Yeah, well you'll probably go crazy if you have to just sit and read and beg to mow the lawn.

    Bekka, LOL, yeah, Astley is the only reason I read them.

    Jenni, That's OK. We're both still awesome! ;)

    Couchpotatocritic, Yes, you're right, it is hugely refreshing. The Sophie Jordan book was meh, to me too but in the end I wanted to know what happened next and I hear Cassian takes and interesting role in the second book.

  13. I get this panicky feeling in the pit of my stomach when I read your list. It makes me aware of how many books/series I don't have in my library and worry that I am depriving my students. Sigh.

  14. Anne, I thought they were all pretty well known but it seems like some people aren't thinking so. Don't worry, I'm sure your library is great!

  15. Jenny, if you hated the cliffhanger ending to Mercy, you're going to be furious at Exile!!! I've got a review somewhere on my blog. And The Sending! I saw a clip on the Penguin Books website about Isobelle Carmody and how her life has changed since writing these books. Made me even more anxious to read it!

  16. Great choices! I've never read the Dean Koontz Odd Thomas series but I keep meaning to!

  17. I haven't written a review of White Cat yet, but I really did love it! Cassel was such a great MC - he didn't feel phony or overpowered at all. :)

    And I really need to read those Kate Griffin books. I don't think my library system as them, though. I'll have to check again.

    So many others I haven't read the first ones of but hope to.

  18. Lan, Don't tell me that!!! Dang!

    Natalie, Well when you get to them you let me know. ;)

    Kaye, I can't wait to read your review. I hope your library gets those books. If not, they're super cheap on Amazon. ;)
