
Monday, September 12, 2011

Yay For Book Club!

This week, after a summer break, the book club I attend is starting up again. Whoohoo! There's something so fun about getting together with other book lovers and actually talking about books because I know there are book clubs that aren't really discussing books and  are just using it as an escape. Not that there's anything wrong with that but our book club is an escape, but it's a book escape, and I consider myself very lucky to belong to it.  Thanks, Suey, of It's All About Books for organizing and hosting and making it great!

This is why I'm really excited, check out the books we'll be reading.

September: Middlemarch by George Eliot
October: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
November: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
December: The Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt
January: I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
February: Atonement by Ian McEwan
March: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
April: Watership Down by Richard Adams
May: Precious Bane by Mary Webb

Of all these books I've only read The Wednesday Wars and Middlemarch. I'm so excited for all of these books...well, except for Atonement, but that's just cause I hated the movie. Anywho, thanks for listening to me gush! I'm off to count down the days. ;)


  1. Very cool! I've been wanting to read I Capture The Castle for awhile. Partly because Dodie Smith wrote 101 Dalmatians, lol, but also because it seems interesting. :)

  2. Yeah! I'm excited too! :) I even got my vacuum fixed so I can clean things up!

    (P.S. And I see that you have a new-ish follower, Megan... she's my cousin!)

  3. Yay! I'm super-excited about book club starting up again. I think we've got a great line-up planned.

    I didn't get Middlemarch read, though. I hope my membership won't be revoked. :)

    See you Thursday!

  4. Book club are fantastic! Unfortunately I haven't found one in the area that I live in so haven't been able to join any. Your list of books is pretty interesting. Let me know how you go with Watership Down. I just remember watching the movie as a kid and freaking out!

  5. Oh my Gosh! How do you find time for book club? 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' is one of my favorite all time books. Hope you enjoy it.

  6. Awesome! I wish I belonged to a book club that actually read the same book and discussed them. My club just gets together and party, albeit with authors some of the time, but still. It would be fun to actually read and discuss.

  7. What fun. I love my book clubs. You have a nice mix of old and newish books on your list. I've always wanted to read Middlemarch but have felt so daunted at starting it. After I read Atonement I really wanted to talk to someone about it. Perhaps it is a better book than movie. We read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn in one of my clubs (most reread it) and had a fun discussion. I wonder how the other books will go, too. What is the makeup of our group? Where do you meet?

    You visited my Sunday Salon posing yesterday and asked about the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes. hop back to my post (Sunday Salon) and I have the recipe linked to my page. They were delicious...they'd be good for a book club treat.

    My Head is Full of Books

  8. Jessica S, Lol, I didn't even know she wrote 101 Dalmatians.

    Suey, No, no you're looking at it all optimistically. It's a bad thing you got your vacuum fixed. Now you HAVE to vacuum. ;)

    Jessica, I know, I'm very excited about his line up.

    Lan, Like freaking out in a good way or a bad way?

    Dana, Oh my life is horribly boring lately I have plenty of time for a book club. Thank goodness!

    Jenni, You should come to ours! You live so close.

    Anne, I certainly hope Atonement is better than the movie. Thanks for the recipe.

  9. Getting together and discussing books is the biggest thing I miss about studying English in university! A great book list! Middlemarch has been sitting on my shelf for a while has A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I've heard that the book version of Atonement is ALOT better then the movie...although I haven't personally read it myself. Enjoy your book club!

  10. Natalie, It's been a blast and I'd miss it desperately if it ever went away. :( I hope the book Atonement is better then the movie.

  11. I love discussing books almost as much as I like reading them. (OK; sometimes more. LOL)

    Looks like a great list! Have fun.

  12. I have read (and LOVED) all but the last three. Atonement is one of my all-time favorites, but I haven't seen the movie. It's a mystery to me why they even made it into a movie, because it doesn't seem like the great things about the book could be translated to the screen. Anyways, I hope you all like it!

  13. Jenny, as in freaking out because those are some vicious rabbits!! To this day if I see a rabbit I think of evil...

  14. BJ, It's much more fun to read when you have people to discuss what you read.

    Shelley, I'm very excited for all of them...even Atonement, if only to see how it compares to the movie.

    Lan, Oh dear, those sound like some freaky bunnies.

  15. I do live so close. That would be fun! When is the next meeting and is it at Suey's? I won't get Middlemarch done in time, but I can do the rest.

  16. Jenni, Yes, in fact, it's tonight at 7:30 at Sueys. I think only three people actually read Middlemarch so you could come anyway. We'll also discuss books we read this summer. It's tons of fun!
