
Monday, March 18, 2013

In My Thoughts This Fine Day # 8


1 That, my dear friends, up there, is a tilde. That little symbol on your keyboard up near the number 1. I sometimes accidentally hit it when trying to hit the exclamation point. I LOVE it. I think it's such a sexy symbol. My sister and I use it all the time while texting. Like this: ~~ to symbolize this:

You should all totally start using it too! ~~ We'll make it a thing.

2 Work has been so psychotic lately! Not work itself but the drama that's going on there. Let's just say it's "graduating" from this:
To this:

Seriously going to gouge my eyes out!

3 I am absolutely in love, LOVE, with this band! I, like, love all of their songs and what's more, I love their music videos. You should seriously check them out.  Like seriously! Don't just ignore the posted video. I dare you to try not to smile while watching it!


  1. Watched! Very cute! Love how he's smiling while singing. :) Oh, I mean, ~~

    1. Isn't that great. I have another song of theirs that you might like better. I'll have to show it to you.

  2. That draco video is HILARIOS. Also, sorry you have so much work drama. Hate that.

    1. Isn't it funny! Apparently I'm not the only one who's noticed the eyebrow thing.

  3. LOL about your work drama -- those pictures speak volumes! Sorry you are going through that. Stay under the radar if you can!

  4. +JMJ+

    I love the odd names for punctuation marks! I'm definitely going to do more research on the "tilde" and exactly what it's for.

    Oh, wait a minute! I already know what it's for, don't I? It's for responding to fun posts like this . . . ~~

    (Did I do it right??? LOL!)

  5. OMG I can so relate to you with the work drama. Why is it never about the work? I am so over it as well.

    1. Oh my gosh! I have no idea. If I wanted drama in my life I'd read about it.

  6. Bummer about your work drama-so disappointing how childish adults can be! I hope you can ride it out and look forward to better times!

  7. I've never been able to figure out how to get that tilde on top of the n. I assume that's why it's there, yet... know one knows how to do it.

    I hate drama! Thankfully I don't really work with other people any more and I don't have to deal with it, but I still hear about it sometimes. Hopefully all that drama will stop soon!

    1. Yeah, I don't know how to get the tilde to work either but I like my use for it any way. :-)
