
Friday, November 15, 2013

A Quick Hello!

Hey! I'm back....for a minute anyway. Not that anyone is still following me anymore, but I just thought I'd let you all know I'm thinking of trying to get back into this blogging world.  I miss reading! The wedding's over and things are settling back down for a minute. I hope I can get some reading done and blogging going again. Anywho, here's a my favorite pic of my wedding day. Captured, not by the professional photographer, but by my nephew's cell phone. Isn't that the way it always goes?

 And here's a better one just for those not amused by the above.

See you around! 


  1. Congratulations, Jenny!! I've been absent myself for so many months I had to go back and read lots of your back posts. You look so happy! Big hugs and best wishes.


  2. Nice to see you back, even if it is just for a minute...but hopefully we'll see more of you soon! Congrats on getting married, you looked beautiful!

  3. I'm glad your back for a minute. :) And, I love both pics. The first one shows your and Guy's personality. And, the second one captures a sweet moment between the two you. You looked beautiful! Congratulations!

  4. <3 I AM amused. Those pictures are the best anyways. ;) Glad to see you and can't wait to see what books you're going to be reading soon. :)

  5. I love both pictures too! And here's hoping for the return to the reading blogging life! You CAN do it all! :)

  6. Both pictures are great! Congratulations!!!

  7. So glad you're (at least sorta) back. I've missed you! Glad the wedding went well and that you're enjoying married life. BTW: The post above is so sweet. There's nothing like a thoughtful gift from your husband to completely melt your heart away :)

  8. I know I am super behind the game but I just wanted to stop in and say a huge congrats I am so happy for you! I love that first picture by the way!

  9. +JMJ+

    Both pictures are worth framing! Congratulations! =D

  10. Best wishes! Love the pics! Hope to see some reviews soon. :)

  11. Congratulations! Love the pictures. The first one is great :)
