
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Rant & Rave #1

                                                                Rant & Rave

Welcome to my first Rant and Rave post. A place where I can Rave about something or someone, and a place where I can get that chip off my shoulder by Ranting.

I'm such a negative person that Raving about things just isn't "me", if you know what I mean. But, yes, occasionally I get over my pessimism and find something glorious and beautiful in life to rave about.
Today's Rave: My all time favorite toy ever! My leaf blower. I know, you think I've really lost it now but don't click away just yet. I seriously love this thing. I love how powerful it makes me feel. I love when I'm in a particularly bad mood how taking the ol' leaf blower out and blowing my yard free of leaves dust and dirt just makes me smile. Nothing, can withstand it's force. (ok not really, but it feels that way) and just holding the power of wind in my hands makes me happy! I use it to clean not just my yard but my shop vac's filter out. Yep, just take that baby outside, have someone hold it, then blow the crap out of it! Wahoo! I also used that technique on my furnace filter when I wasn't able to replace it quite yet. Seriously, just ask my husband. When ever there's a job for the leaf blower; I get a huge grin on my face, a slight skip in my step and run to my beloved leaf blower.

Today's Rant: Stupid drivers. Actually, you'll probably see this little rant of mine more than once. My particular rant today has to do with people in parking lots. OK, so say you're driving down the little isle between parking spots looking for a good one or you've just exited your spot and are making your way down the isle to the exit and suddenly, someone starts pulling out. Well, obviously you can see better than they can, so you slow down waiting for them to see you. Now in my humble opinion. If you're pulling out of a parking spot you yield to the person in the "road" but lately theses entitled bastard just keep pulling out! They know I'm not waiting for their spot they just can't be bothered to stop. Apparently, in their mind, they have the write of way. What the hell?! It's happened to me so many times in the last little bit that I more person does it and I'll ram my crappy dented Honda Civic into their shiny new Mercedes. I swear I'll do it, consequences be damned! Phew! That felt good. Sorry about the swears.

Hope you enjoyed my Ranting and Raving. What are you Raving and Ranting about today? Please share.


  1. I'm with you. I'd rant more than rave, lol. Your leaf blower sounds like fun. I want to try one now. And, I hate people in parking lots like that too. I also hate pedestrians in parking lots that take their sweet time to walk in the road (not close to the cars), blocking everyone and everything and don't get out of the way. If I knew I wouldn't be convicted of manslaughter, I'd run them over!

    1. Oh yeah, pedestrians annoy me too. Of course I have to wonder when I'm the pedestrian if I'm as annoying.

  2. Every year I tell myself I should get a leaf blower. I do nothing with my leaves for a long time, and then I just mow them. Yes, I am that lame. But raking takes FOREVER so hell to the no on that.

    I have a ridiculous amount of driving pet peeves, so I completely understand the need to vent. The backer-upper should always yeild! My current one is when there are two lanes merging and someone is in the lane that it says needs to merge and they expect you to slow down and let them in. No. Sorry. YOU are merging, no me!

    1. You should totally get a leaf blower. I told myself this for years and don't know why I waited so long.

      I hate the lane merging conundrum too. Especially in rush hour traffic and a construction zone. I'm not letting anyone in!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for laughing. I was beginning to think I'd lost my ability to make people laugh at my ranting.

  4. Haha I love that a leaf blower makes you so happy! Maybe if I get one for Hubby he will be just as happy. I can't blame you about the parking lots either. I am always ranting about parking lots but more so about the fact that people can't park! I almost always park well away from other cars but some how my car has accumulated an insane amount of door dings and bumper rubs recently. I know it isn't me because I am careful about parking (heck I have maybe two inches on each side when I back my car into the garage).

    As far as a rave, lately it has been my crafting supplies. I get this silly giddy feeling when I sit down to create. If I come across some beautiful new scrapbook paper, stickers or stamps I just can't wait to get home to play with them.

  5. Rant and Rave, eh? I like it! I can't think of a good rant and rave at the moment. I'll get back to you! Oh, I did go on a bit of a rant that Ransom Riggs is doing a better job at posting his vacation on Instagram than my kids are. What's up with that?

  6. Since I can't see half the time when I'm pulling out of a parking spot because my little car is usually surrounded by huge SUVs and trucks, I back out slowly and pray that no one hits me! Once I can see if anyone is coming, I stop and wait for them to pass. The pedestrians who walk in front of you without even looking are my main rant! I'm with Jenni and wonder what would happen if I just "tapped" them with my car? ha!

  7. Um, feel free to blow the hell out of the leaves in my yard. We are those neighbors that rarely pick up leaves (it's so pointless! More are just going to come down! It's Mother's Nature's carpet!). :)

    I am so tired of drivers who feel entitled to drive however they want with no regard to others or even basic traffic laws. Boo to them!
