
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best and Worst of 2015

Another year has come and gone! It's time for my best and worst books read in 2015 post. Normally I would do two separate posts, one about the good books and one about the bad but I only read 50 books this year and well, that's not a lot to choose from. However, my Goodreads goal was 50 books and I made it! Barely, but I did it.  So without further ado...


Big Little Lies
Loved my first book by Liane Moriarty.

Bone Gap
Magic Realism at it's best. Loved this magical book.

Absolutely adored the message in this beautiful verse novel.

Lost Lake
Of course a Sarah Addison Allen book would make my top 5 favorites of the year.

Real Life Boyfriends, The Boy Book, and The Treasure Map of Boys
AKA, the rest of the Ruby Oliver series. This series rocks! Seriously, please, please, please read this series!


We Were Liars
This book was just so, so, SOOOOO sad. It depressed me for days!

Storm Siren
This one had all the right ingredients for me but the book fell flat. Big disappointment.

Not in the Script
Nothing happened! This book was sooooo boring. There needs to be more to a book than romance.

Girl Stolen
This was the biggest disappointment of the year. I've been looking forward to this book for a long time and it was just awful!

The Golem and the Jinni
Oh my hell! This one was the longest book to the worst ending ever. Not a good combination.

Did Not Finish

 Red Rising
I just didn't get it! You all raved but this book was so boring I couldn't finish it.

The Repossession Mamba
Just watch the movie. The book's not worth it.

And there you have it. What do you think of my favorites and least favorites? If I could push any of my favorites on you it would be The Ruby Oliver series. Just sayin'.


  1. I DNF'd We Were Liars. I was so bored. I remember liking Not in the Script but that whole line of books is mostly a bit meh.

    1. Yeah, I won't be reading the other books in that line because I'm quite positive I won't like them.

  2. I agree with We Were Liars and Not in the Script! They were dumb. I haven't read any of your best books :( Good job reaching your goal! Good luck with next year's goals!

    1. You read We Were Liars too? I didn't know. Glad to know I'm not alone in my dislike of it.

  3. So happy to see the Ruby Oliver series on your best list! It was one of my favourites the year I read it. And I'm avoiding We Were Liars, it just sounds too depressing. Congrats on reaching your Goodreads goal! I made mine this year too - now on to the next!

    1. Exactly! I loved The Ruby Oliver series but We Were Liars was a huge disappointment.

  4. I don't agree on some of your worst books. ARE YOU SURPRISED BY THIS??? :) You have convinced me to give Ruby Oliver a try though. :)

  5. Yay! We agree on one--Elevated for the win! And, I can understand why you didn't like Not in the Script.

  6. I love these types of lists! I need to read the rest of the Ruby Oliver series. And I looooved We Were Liars, but yeah, that end. I'm actually a bit sad that I haven't read so many of these!

    1. I kind of hate these types of lists. It makes me realize how badly I need to quit life and dedicate a good 18 hours a day to reading!

  7. I am curious about Elevated, I will have to check it out. I am such a sucker for books in verse. I think you had a really good 2015 and I hope you have an even better 2016!

    1. Thanks! Me too. Check out Elevated. I think you'll like it.

  8. I'm impressed at how in synch you and I were in 2015. I loved BIG LITTLE LIES and BONE GAP, really disliked IN THE SCRIPT. I still need to read ELEVATED. Also, Sarah Addison Allen -- I've heard great things about her books, but never read any.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Susan! You have to read a Sarah Addison Allen book!

  9. Ah! So sad you didn't enjoy Red Rising :( It's not for everyone though! Out of far did you read? I feel like I might have asked you this question before. I tell everyone to read past the first 50 pages because they are slow and boring as heck....after that it slowly picks up the pace until you can't put it down!

    Also I am definitley adding Bone Gap and the Ruby Oliver series to my TBR list for next year ;) They sound good!

    1. I hope you like them. I read like halfway through Red Rising. Even when they started the competition I couldn't get invested. :(

  10. Totally agree about Big Little Lies. Loved that one. I stayed clear of Red Rising because I just knew I would end up being the only person who didn't enjoy it! As always!

    1. Yay! You liked Big Litte Lies! Wasn't it great? You wouldn't be alone with Red Rising. You can count on me to be unimpressed. ;)

  11. I love how you do best and worst. :)

    BIG LITTLE LIES is at the top of my list right now. I had it from the library, but only got a few chapters in before I had to return it because someone requested it. And BONE GAP is on my list because of you and other book clubbers. AND the Ruby Oliver books are on my list too! Oh, I need more reading time.

    1. hope you get them all read so I can hear what you think. Yes, we all need more reading time.

  12. I am a huge fan of Magical Realism, so I'm going to have to read The Bone Gap!

  13. I loved big little lies too! I didn't like we were liars either not because it was sad but because everyone talked about the crazy twist ending and I didn't think it was that surprising.
