
Saturday, June 3, 2017

May Wrap-up 2017

Well, Phooey! I read nine books in April but only managed five in May. I had a major reading blogging/slump. I almost, almost got on blogger and said goodbye and shut it down. But I was too lazy to do even that. thank goodness, because I'm just not ready to say goodbye. Anywho, I managed to catch up on reviews, thanks for putting up with the slew of reviews from me, and hope June will be a better reading month. I need pool time and reading time!

Sense and Sensibility Manga Classic by Jane Austen, Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Rosamund Hodge, Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs, Forgotten, by Cat Patrick and Suicide Notes by Michael Thomas Ford.

Favorites of the month were Sense and Sensibility the Manga classic. It was fun! And Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs. Least favorite was Forgotten by Cat Patrick.


  1. Five is awesome, too, though. I'm glad you haven't said goodbye. :) I need some pool time, too...

  2. Well, I'm glad you were too lazy to close down your blog. I would really miss you if you left :( Just read/blog when you feel like it. No pressure.

    Enjoy your pool time! I still haven't gotten in mine -- I'm too much of a wimp. It has to be over 100 for me to get in. That's how big of a wuss I am :)

  3. Doooooooon't Leeeeeeeaaaaaaave!

    You're one of my favorite bloggers, so please don't shut it down, just post whenever you feel like, whether that's a lot or a little, doesn't matter.

    Five books isn't so bad. I hope you get your pool and reading time in June (that sounds lovely btw).

  4. My reading was so-so in May as well, hopefully June will be better! And yes pool time is always a good thing...

    I've only read the first Mercy thompson, I need to get moving on the next...

  5. Good job on all your reading. I haven't wanted to read once since I finished The Chemist. I guess I just don't feel like it since I'm recuperating. Hopefully, I'll want to again after I'm better. :/

  6. Glad that you didn't throw in the towel and say goodbye! I'm not ready to leave either, although I do seem to be in a rut. If it makes you feel any better, I only managed to read 3 books in May.

  7. Ugh I've been having the same sort of month. I'm in a serious blogging and reading slump and I can't seem to drag myself out of it. I'd say 5 books is still a pretty good total. Hopefully your June is better!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  8. I would love to get back to a five book month! :)

  9. Yeah, I pretty much miss reading five books a month. Been busy with last college year. :O Anyway, glad you were even closing down your blog. I would really miss visiting your blog. Please, please, don't go.

  10. I'm hardly ever around here anymore so I totally understand your urge to quit sometimes. But I'm so glad you haven't! 5 books is fantastic! I read two :(

  11. Whoa, you read five books in one month?! I'm lucky if I can read five book in SIX months. I wish I had the time for that, again.

    Glad you didn't quit your book blog. Don't quit! I'm just making sure to get my two cents in edgewise before you could, perhaps, nearly quit again in the future. Don't do it!

  12. I have been in a reading/blogging slump for months now. Not sure what brought it on. Just busy doing other things it seems. Life happens. Should probably decide what I a doing with my blog. lol

  13. I am glad you didn't call it quits, some times you just need a break and that is perfectly okay. I am sure you are getting busy with yard and construction projects again now that the weather is getting warmer too.

  14. We all gotta do what we gotta do. Glad you're hanging in there for the time being, though. Sometimes a break is all you need. Me? I've been known to *ahem* take a month or six off. It's all good.

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