
Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Rewarding Myself!

2017 Reading Challenge

2017 Reading Challenge
Jenny has
completed her goal of reading
60 books in

I did it! I reached and surpassed my Goodreads goal of 60 books. Now, technically I haven't read 76 books. I've read 71. When I DNF a book I mark it as read but don't give it any stars but of course Goodreads thinks I've finished it so it counts it. I DNF 5 books this year. But I re-read four books which I still haven't figured out if Goodreads counts so I'm just going with 71 books read this year.

BUT the point is. I reached my goal! This makes me happy! And I'm giving audiobooks a lot of credit because I've gotten into them big time this year and they've allowed me to read while still living my sometimes crazy life.

Sooooo, as a reward to myself I've been re-reading some books this month. I've read Graceling and half of Fire by Kristen Cashore and Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr. I still haven't read Bitterblue so I thought a re-read of Graceling and Fire was in order. Right?

Did you reach your Goodreads Goal yet? If so, how do you reward yourself?


  1. Congrats!! And yay for re- reads. I've been wanting to re- read more stuff lately myself... maybe in 2018.

  2. Congratulations! That's awesome that you met and exceeded your goal. I am sadly WAY behind. But, that's okay. I'm so glad you're rereading Graceling and Fire. :D I hope you like Bitterblue!

    1. I hope I like it. I love Graceling but am struggling with Fire. Hopefully Bitterblue is as good as Graceling.

  3. Awesome! My goal is always to read 200 books a year and I haven't gotten anywhere near that. It's probably too ambitious of a goal, but I always like to try.

    1. Wow! I think the most I ever managed was 103.

  4. Woohoo!! Way to go! I was able to reach my goal this year. Thankfully I read through the summer. I usually don't, but it saved me this year during several rough patches. I rewarded myself by not feeling like I had to read anything at all if I didn't want to the last couple of months. Rereading is an awesome reward.

    1. Isn't it. I love returning to old favorites.

  5. Wow! 71 books is nothing to sneeze at. I wish I could get into audiobooks too but I can't seem to concentrate when I'm listening to things. I just barely reached my goal of 50 books and I'm thinking of lowering my goal next year to 30 instead because I can't keep up the pace of writing and reading and working at the same time!

  6. Good job! That is a lot of books, from my perspective, so a real accomplishment!

    I sort of have accomplished something with my reading this year, too, in that I finally got out of a 2-year reading slump. Glad we both have something to cheer about!

    1. Thanks. I'm glad you got out of your reading slump! You just convinced me to read a book on Goodreads.

  7. Yessssss!!! Way to exceed your goals. :)

    FYI - GR totally counts rereads now, I did it myself a couple times this year, if you select your book and go down to activity and click edit and under dates read you can add to that, therefore making it count! :) I also created a new exclusive shelf for DNF's so that they weren't counting as read, that's in editing shelves section.

    Congrats again! I hope you hit your 2018 goals as well!

    1. Yeah, I got Goodreads to count two of my rereads I think. I still don't get the DNR books though. I'll have to get on my actual computer to figure it all out.

  8. Congrats! I love that you rewarded yourself with more reading. Ha! I should reward myself. Maybe I should go buy a book. You can create a DNF shelf on Goodreads, and if you add the dates, it counts re-reads.

    1. I have a DNF shelf but it still wants me to mark it as read or reading or want to read and I can't quite figure that out. Oh well. I'm pretty lazy.

  9. Congratulations, Jenny!! I didn't meet my goal last year and I'm pretty sure I won't this year (69/100 books with only 3 more days left... yeah not so much) but I am proud of what I've accomplished. I hope you enjoy your rereads (The Graceling Realm series makes for a great reread!)!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks
