
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Review: The Night Circus

Title The Night Circus
By Erin Morgenstern
Genre Adult Fiction Fantasy
Format Print
Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Two magicians, a duel, a magical circus and an epic love.

First Sentence
The circus arrives without warning.

I think I'm the last person in the world to read this book. At least the last person in the bookish world. I tried reading it five years ago but I was on a European cruise at the time and in the throes of twitterpation with my husband (then, boyfriend) and it just wasn't happening. I knew I needed to give it another try and it seemed like now was as good a time as any.

I must say I'm not sure what everyone saw in this one. As you can see by my rating I didn't hate it, I thought it was quite beautiful discovering all the circus's magic but I found it slow. And don't have a problem with slow books. Not everything needs to be fast paced and frantic but I do need a plot in all that slowness and the plot was almost non existent in this one. I felt like we were supposed to be invested in Marco and Celia's relationship but I was far more into Bailey and Poppet's.

So, yeah, I was hoping to love it not just be luke warm about it. I needed more story and less instalove.

Should you read it
You haven't? Um, OK. Sure.


  1. I'm glad you at least liked it. But, I'm sad you didn't love it. Oh well. It's okay. I forgive you. ;)

  2. I didn't know you didn't read it it for book club. This was my first book club book, and I really enjoyed it, but I understand that it isn't for everyone.

    1. The first time I tried to read it was for that book club.

  3. I'm one of those people who LOVE this book. I loved the beauty of it, and I wanted to visit the Night Circus, and I loved the lyrical writing, and Marco and Celia, too. But that's just me. :D

    1. Yeah, that's what most people loved. I thought it was beautiful.

  4. I feel the same. I liked it, but certainly don't love it the way some people do. I read it several years ago and honestly I don't remember much about it.

    1. Good, I'm not the only one who felt this way. Liked, yes. Loved? No.

  5. The writing is lovely in this one. I remember it being slow as well, but that didn't bother me.

    1. I have to be in the mood for slow and I don't think I was.

  6. You're not the last person! I think that leaves me... haha. I've had a copy of this book for YEARS. I don't know why I haven't read it yet, because I always look at it before grabbing something else. I'll read it eventually. Maybe.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Ha ha! Right? I kept eyeing it. I'm glad I finally read it so it would stop guilt-ing me.

  7. I tried to read it a few years back as well but put it down the for slowness. Which is strange because I love circuses. At least you didn't hate it!

    1. Yeah, it's pretty slow. It needs to be read in the right mood I think.

  8. You aren't the last one. I own a copy but I haven't read it. I tried it on audio but it was narrated by Jim Dale. I kept thinking everything was happening at Hogwarts so I had to stop listening. Haha. I will read my print copy one of these days. The lack of plot scares me, though.

    1. Ha Ha! I tried it this time on audio too but it was going so slow that I had to return the audio book and finish it in print.

  9. Bought this book when it was released but haven't got around to reading it. I think it must be the hype then. Anyways, will read this book when the mood calls for it. It's no wonder my TBR pile keeps getting higher and higher, lol.

    1. I totally get that. I'm glad I'm not the only one that waited so long to read it.

  10. I haven't read this book, yet, so you're not the last one in the world the read this. I do intend to, though.
