
Monday, August 8, 2011

My Reading Eveloution

Change. It's a good thing, right? That's what they say but I have to admit, though some change is good I often find myself wondering why things have to change at all, but I digress. I've been thinking about my reading habits and how they've changed from what they were 6 or 7 years ago.

I've always loved to read but until a about 6 years ago my habits were quite different. It seems like a lot of book bloggers got more into reading and blogging because of either Harry Potter or Twilight or both. I'm not accusing everyone of that but it seems like those series helped a lot of book lovers become even more immersed in reading. If this is true, then what kind of reader were you before? I was quite different.

Old Habits
  • I wasn't always reading a book, in fact, there were times I actually went months (gasp!) without reading anything at all. 
  • Because of the above mentioned habit, I almost feel like I enjoyed books a little more back in those days. I know that sounds crazy, but when your jumping from book to book with not even a 24 hour break it's hard to feel like you can really and truly enjoy something. 
  • I never read more than one book at a time. 
  • The whole going months without reading...yeah, that was because I was one of those morons who was under the impression that there was nothing to read. Silly me.
  • I was a library browser. When I had gone months without reading I would get that itch for a good book and would go to the library. I'd wander through the shelves for hours, pick up a book, read the synopsis, and THAT was my entire book choosing and reading process. 
  • I didn't ever really discuss anything I was reading with anybody else. So sad.
  • I read mostly mystery as a teenager. Maybe that's why I read so much teen stuff now.
  • I wasn't opposed to trying a genre that was different and new but I usually didn't read anything but my preferred genre. 
New Habits

  • I sometimes read more than one book at a time. 
  • When I finish a book I don't go more than 24 hours without starting another.
  • The poor library is still used but gone are the browsing days. I usually have s specific goal in mind when I go and there's no room for browsing that would lead to more books to read. 
  • I'll read almost anything now. Any genre or style. 
  • Obviously I discuss books with other people now. Blogging is a blast and I adore my book club and all the discussions we've had. 
  • Oh, sure I used to buy a few books but now? Holy crap, I buy books like crazy! 
  • There's a whole world of bookish things online that I never even knew about.
  • I now have a completely different appreciation for books and reading. It's hard to read book reviews in newspapers and magazines and not be intrigued. 
  • I recognize author's names, and not just the big ones, and go to lots of fun bookish events.  

See, things have changed quite a bit. Mostly I'm glad of it, but I do miss those lazy days at the library spent browsing and I still struggle with that feeling that I'm reading too much too fast to truly enjoy it. And if you're wondering what started this change of reading wasn't a single book, it was actually my book club. I started going and a whole new world opened up to me.  How about you, how have your habits changed? Was it a certain book that brought you back to reading or have you always been a huge reader? And how do you deal with reading so much so fast? Am I alone in my feelings about truly enjoying a book? 


  1. I read almost nonstop as a preteen and teenager, then not so much as a college student, then everything the kids brought home from school so I knew what they were reading--even Nancy Drew. Now I enjoy a good new book now and then and I love reading my old time favorites from all past eras.
    I also enjoy reading for information which I never did in College.

  2. I truly do miss those days. But what's going on now is so much fun that I don't think I'd go back either. But it's true, we need to savor the good ones a bit and really enjoy. Hey, and I'm glad you like book club so much! :)

  3. Uh, I am, like, so where you used to be. I love a good book but have to peruse the shelves trying to find one. Very difficult with 3 kids. So I love that you have started this book fetish because I now have my own personal librarian, you, that I call when I need help.

  4. I honestly can't remember not reading. Granted during college I didn't read much for pleasure (except the Tamora Pierce books) but I was taking multiple literature courses and was reading for those. I guess I have stepped up the number of books and variety of books I have been reading since I started blogging (but then again that was the whole point of me starting the blog).

    I have yet to find a book club near me that I fit into, which is kind of a shame. My friends and I have talked about starting one but there are so many different tastes for books we haven't settled yet.

  5. Techno Grandma, Yeah, I'm still trying to read more non-fiction/informational books but I still struggle with them if I don't care about the content.

    Suey, Oh, I'm having a blast these days too. I just worry about savoring a book if I always feel so rushed.

    Adams Family, Glad to help. ;)

    Ang, Ah, but that's the fun of book club, reading something you wouldn't normally read. If you all take turns picking a book no one can complain. It's tough finding a good book club, though.

  6. I have bad reading habits that need to go, but have a lot of god habits. Just like you, I now realize the author's name rather than just remembering the big author names!

  7. I'm one of those that got into reading from both HP and Twilight. My reading habits are very different because of this, very different.

    Before HP:
    1. I read a Jack Wayland or Mary Higgins Clark book here and there. (Maybe one a year, if that.)
    2. I read Dune, Fahrenheit 451, and The Scarlet Letter in high school as assigned reading. I ignored ALL other assigned books.

    After HP, but before Twilight:
    1. I read an occasional Mary Higgins Clark book. (Again, maybe one or two a year, if that.)
    2. I ignored Jack Wayland books. I hate his books and all other LDS fiction now.
    3. The most books I had ever read in a year was 6--the first six HP books.
    4. I still ignored all assigned reading in school.

    After Twilight:
    1. A couple of years ago, I read 31 books in a year.
    2. I try to read at least one book a month, even though I'd rather read more than that.
    3. I've read almost every book that has been assigned in my classes.
    4. I'm constantly looking for more books to read.

  8. I've changed, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Twilight or HP. I think HP did get my sister to read again though, so that's good. I've always been a reader, I read a TON more now than ever before and different genres and styles too. So glad there are books that make people want to read again!

  9. I agree on the point that I sometimes feel like I don't enjoy books quite as much now that I jump from one book to the next right away....when I was busy with school work having the chance to read a book unrelated to my courses was like a happy pill for me! Reading still is like a drug to me...but I appreciate it more when I've spent some time in between books. One of my book habits that has changed is that I actually spend money on them now ! :P When I worked at the library in high school and early university I refused to spend money on books because I could get them for free all the time. I still love the library....but now I'm addicted to creating my own personal library at home....if I loved a book from the library I immediatly go to the bookstore to buy a copy of my own. Great post!

  10. This sounds like me! Especially the book buying. I remember for the longest time I only had one shelf with YA/modern books. Barely one shelf. It's expanded to multiple shelves and still growing. Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I was a huge reader growing up and got out of the habit in college because I was so busy (and as a history major, I was doing a ton of reading anyway). Starting my blog was what really got me reading again.

  12. Roxy, It's nice recognizing authors names, isn't it?

    Jenni, I love that you listed it out like I did. I'm glad you're more into reading.

    Melissa, That's great the HP got your sister reading again.

    Natalie, Somehow I've got to figure out how to appreciate books as much as I used to and yet, still read fast. The book buying thing is nuts, isn't it?!

    Jessica, I know, I remember the days when I only had one little bookshelf. Sigh, what happened?!

    Janssen, Well, I'm glad you got back into it. ;)

  13. I wish I could find a book club devoted to romance readers since all of them here revolve around general fiction-Oprah books. Talking with people about books in person is a wonderful experience. I'm your newest follower via FF so please feel free to visit my site whenever you get a chance.

  14. Can't argue about Twilight. ;)

    And I'm a new follower of yours. :)
    My Friday Entry @ For The Love of Reading!

  15. New follower just hopping through! Hope you have a great weekend!

    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  16. I've always had my nose in a book, so that hasn't really changed, but eBooks have definitely changed what I read. Now, even though I live in the middle of nowhere, I can affordably purchase ANY kind of fiction I want. Plus, my library now carries much more speculative fiction than before - in ebook form.
    Happy FF!

  17. Hey!

    New follower =]

    I'm a library browser. I love just standing there looking at a full shelf of books and hoping there's going to be something good. I noticed since I started blogging I don't savour books as much as I used to. Really interesting answer.

    My FF


  18. I love the way you answered this! Have a great weekend! You can check out my FF over at Fuzzy.Coffee.Books if ya like!
    *new follower
    Oh, and don't forget to stop by and enter in my giveaway. It ends at midnight tonight!

  19. I read a lot growing up, but now I read even more. I do it because I enjoy it, and because I want to keep up on the publishing industry.

    Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)

  20. Hopping through. Harry Potter and Twilight didn't get me into reading but it did get me into fantasy and paranormal. I'll read a wider variety of genres now.
    My Hop

  21. I have to agree about the browsing - I used to just go and browse all the time, but when I do that now, I rarely ever find anything. I always go with a list in mind.

  22. Joder, I love my book club we read so many different kinds of books. It's great talking with people in person about books too.

    Lindsay, Thanks for stopping by.

    Niina, It brought a lot of people back to reading.

    Amanda, Thanks for hopping through.

    BJ, I really should get an ereader but I'm overwhelmed as it is.

    Amy, It's sad isn't it? I'm trying to savor a little more.

    Book Junkie, Thanks! It was convenient already having the post written.

  23. Rachel, That's a fun reason to read too.

    Alison, I hadn't thought of that but I think I do read more paranormal now too.

    Alissa, It's tough. I miss the browsing but it's just too hard.

  24. I read alot when I was in my teens then towards my late teens - early 20s I didn't read as much. Now I read heaps and your right, because I don't have 24 hours between finishing a book and beginning a new one, sometimes I have to take a min to recall the story of the previous book LOL but there are just so many books I wanna get through that there's just no other way if I wanna get through them all, as there are constant new releases of great books LOL

    Here's my Follow Friday post.

  25. Angelica, You're right, if I want to keep up I have to read that fast. I've just got to remember to savor the good ones!
