
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Review: The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

Title The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat
By Oliver Sacks
Pages 243
Genre Adult Non-Fiction
Recommended by Book club

First sentence Dr P. was a musician of distinction, well-known for many years as a singer, and then, at the local School of Music, as a teacher.

Clinical tales of neurological disorders.

What it has going for it
The stories that are in each chapter are quite fascinating, in a sad sort of way. Just reading about all these neurological disorders made me very grateful for my own properly working brain. Plus, it's always good to learn a few new things, am I right?

What's lacking
Holy crap! The stories were good but there was soooo much medical terminology to wade through. I'm fairly certain these were just medical papers turned into a book, so it's reasonable that we might have just been expected to know what all those words meant, IF we were doctors. You'd think when they turned it into a book they should have edited some things or, at least, explained the big words to us non-doctors. It was also very dated, being written back in the 70s, and a lot of the words he used are now considered inappropriate or just archaic.

Yea or Nay?
This one won't be for everyone but I found the stories interesting enough to recommend it.


  1. I'm kind of glad I didn't read this. I think I would've been bored silly. I may have enjoyed the stories, but I think the medical terminology would've turned me off completely!

  2. Hear hear! Interesting but extremely annoying.

    And I'm super bummed that I missed the meeting last night and didn't get to see you guys. :(

  3. I don't think this would be my thing at all. I'm not much into books about real life medical stuff. I prefer to keep it all in the world of make believe. Unless you're talking genetics and then strangely I'm fascinated.

    1. Yes, luckily the brain rather fascinates me. ;)

  4. Wait, your brain is properly working. Who figured out how to fix that neurological disorder. Hahaha Love you.

  5. I need to read this! My first degree is in neuroscience and I've been missing it as I wade through nursing school. It is good to know that there is a lot of medical terminology for most people, though. I've never been able to tell in his other books and so I wasn't sure if I should recommend Sacks to people or not.

    1. Yeah, it was hard for me but the brain has always fascinated me.

  6. Interesting but not for me. Good for you for reading it.

    1. Oh, this one is definitely NOT for everyone.

  7. I have wanted to read this book for years. Still have not come across it. Maybe it's time I ordered it on the old Kindle and done with it. I love me some archaic medical terminology... especially if it's quackery.

    1. LOL! You go right on ahead and do that. ;)

  8. I need to write something up I suppose. It will be short! I didn't see Eliot today, but my friend heard about our ARC reaction from him! Too funny. And another library guy stopped me and said, "Hey, I hear you have a book!" :)So... I guess I better read it sooner than later, you think?

    1. Yes, hurry and read it so I can have it! ;) Did he say we came off overly fan girly? I hope so.

  9. I'm pretty sure that if I read this I'd self-diagnose myself with all the illnesses mentioned :P But it definitely sounds intriguing...though hard going with all that terminology

    The Cait Files

    1. LOL! Yeah, I'm a bit of a hypochondriac myself. ;)

  10. This has such a funny title, but it's non-fiction? I would think this would be about a man who was ignoring or neglecting his wife, and the wife would be the one narrating the story, lol.

    1. Now that would have made it more interesting. ;)
