
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Salon

Welcome to the new Sunday Salon. A weekly update post about my boring life. ;)

Weather Small Talk: It's been lovely! Almost like spring is here...only, this weekend is colder and overcast. :( 

Music Discoveries:  You and Me by Vega 4. I think this is such a realistically funny and romantic song. It might offend some(it has the F word but it's bleeped in this video) but I love it! 

On The Idiot Box: The Vampire Diaries was new this week and was...OK. Supernatural was back too and very fun! I found myself screaming at the TV  and my cat was very annoyed with my outburst. Anyone else see it? 

Weekly Reads: I finished The Magicians by Lev Grossman yesterday and am still trying to form some thoughts for a review. I'm almost finished with Alyzon Whitestarr by Isobelle Carmody and it's OK but could use some editing. :( Also, I couldn't take it anymore! The fourth Matthew Swift book was released in the UK but doesn't come out here in the US till May so I ordered it from Amazon UK. It came!!! I'm so excited to get going on it! You have no idea! 

Crazy Kitty: Said goodbye to her old scratching post. It was so ragged it had to go. 

This Week: I went to the Zoo with my sister and her kids. Here's a few photos.
Can you tell her older boy doesn't like his picture taken?

Ah, the construction worker exhibit. Definitely our favorite! 
Movie of the Week: I saw This Means War. It was actually really cute but I didn't like the guy she chose. Are we surprised? And the ending was a little irritating but, all in all, it was fun.

Food Talk: Um, I sort of wanted to use this little prompt to give you deliciously wonderful recipes but I haven't done so well with that. Maybe next week I'll try something new and tell you how it goes. 

Soccer Sightings: I couldn't watch the game 'my boys' played midweek but I was frantically checking the score on my phone every two seconds and...they won! Yay!!! 

Plans For The Week: Sigh. I don't know. Looks like another boring week of resenting the fact that I can't seem to get a dang job! Argh!  


  1. Ah, the zoo! I cannot wait to go this year. My 1yo daughter is obsessed with animals, and the construction exhibit is my son's favorite (nice way of putting it). Sorry about the job. :( Crossing my fingers for you.

    1. I'm glad your daughter likes animals. It's much more fun when they actually enjoy them.

  2. Happy Sunday! I love the zoo! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on THE MAGICIANS.

    1. Oh boy! I still don't know what to say in that review.

  3. Did you have some job prospects that fell through? You are going to find something soon, I'm sure of it!

    The zoo looks fun and just think, they all have snow to play in today!

    I have yet to watch the latest Vampire Diaries... maybe tomorrow. And I still haven't caught up to Supernatural! What AM I waiting for????

    1. I hope you're right about the job thing.

      I don't know what you're waiting for, it's such a fun show!

  4. Those zoo pictures are so cute! And I really hope a job turns up for you soon :)

  5. I loved This Means War - but I agree I would have picked the other one. Of course, because she picked like she did it leaves the other one free for me! :)

  6. Spring time at the zoo is fun because you get to see all the baby animals. Were there any Construction Worker babes? They are SoooOo adorable! To bad they're so hard to housebreak or I'd have a whole herd of them.

  7. I'm always surprised when books come out in other countries before they come out in the US (I'm just American-centric, I guess).
    I think I saw part of the Vampire Diaries at the gym. At least I hope that's what it was. Some guy was eating a girl, I think. I bet it all makes more sense in context.
    The zoo looks like it was a lot of fun!

    1. Nowadays a guy eating a girl on TV could have been anything. ;) I hope it was TVD, though.

  8. Good luck with the job! And the construction workers. Hee hee :)

  9. I wasn't that impressed with Alyzon Whitestar either. Not sure why. I think the power was a bit weird...which reminds me I haven't read The Sending yet either. Your nephew is so cute!

    1. Oh good! I'm still struggling through it and thinking, 'what's wrong with this?! I love the Chronicles of Obernewtyn, so why not this one?' Sigh!

      Isn't he cute?!

  10. Sorry to hear you can't find work. That sucks! Hopefully that will turn around for you soon.

  11. I thought TVD was a liiiiiittle disappointing too, considering we had to wait so long for it. Was sad about the ending too, I didn't want that to be the case =[

    The Cait Files

    1. Yeah, I was so excited it was back on and then it was a bit of a let down. :( I am intrigued with Damon helping Stephan not be such a weirdo when he drinks blood.
