
Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Salon

Welcome to the new Sunday Salon. A weekly update post about my boring life. ;)

Weather Small Talk: As I'm writing this it's Saturday evening. We had a huge rain storm earlier today and now it's freakishly windy. I'm hoping by the time this is posted, the rain will have stopped and the temperature is warmer. 

Music Discoveries: I can't get enough of Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds. The lyrics don't fit my personality at all but they still make me giggle.  

On The Idiot Box: I've seen all but two of my shows finales and I'll be doing a post on my thoughts on the cliffhanger endings (or lack of) soon. It's so sad when they all end for the summer. :(

Weekly Reads: I finished Happyface by Stephen Emond but am still working on Spartacus by Ben Kane. I did read Stolen by Lucy Christopher on my plane ride to and from California and will have my review up soon.  

Crazy Kitty: My kitty totally survived me being away! She always gets so lonely and clings like crazy when I get home from anywhere. This time she didn't even act concerned at all. What a relief! 

This Week: You may have noticed it's been awfully quiet around here this week. It's been kinda crazy...for me anyway.... I didn't get home from my trip till Tuesday night. On Thursday I spent the day painting my moms house and on Friday my mother came back home for the summer and my nephew got back from his mission for our church. Anywho, it's just felt crazy! 

Movie of the Week: I finally forked over the money to see The Vow even though I suspected I wouldn't like it. The story was fine but the acting did little to involve my emotions. I just didn't care about the characters. :( I also watched New Years Eve. That one wasn't amazing or anything but it was cute.  

Food Talk: Oh my gosh! I ate so much crap in California I was sure I'd gain weight. Surprisingly, I didn't . Phew! My friend made these totally delicious lemon cookies while I was visiting and we ate about a hundred of them! I couldn't stop thinking about them so I got the recipe from her and shall be making more. Once again, if you want the recipe, say so in the comments and I'll share the joy.   

Soccer Sightings: No soccer to report but the EURO Cup is coming up and I'm sure you'll hear far too much about it then. Let me just apologize in advance. ;)Oh, and PS, Chelsea beat bayern Munich in the champions league final! Yay! Wouldnt want Schweinsteiger getting even more arrogant.

Plans For The Week: Not too much, thank goodness. I do plan on beginning to learn my moms method of tutoring reading so I can try my hand at that...or at least have the knowledge. Someone ought to know what she knows. ;) 


  1. Ooh, I look forward to reading your review of Stolen - I've heard a lot of good things about that one :)

  2. You watch Revenge right? I'm pretty sure I saw that somewhere. Did you see the finale? OMG!!!! I don't think I can wait until September!

    1. Yes I watch it! Oh my gosh that show is giving me an ulcer!

  3. Oooh, Stolen's on my TBR list for this year. Can't wait to read your thoughts on it. Mmm... lemon cookies...

    1. It was a good book to distract me from my flight.

  4. Well, seeing as I just joined Weight Watchers yesterday, I probably shouldn't be asking, but delicious lemon cookies? I MUST have the recipe.

    Glad you enjoyed your trip. I'll be interested to see what you think of STOLEN. I wasn't impressed.

    1. I'll have my review up tomorrow. I'll get that recipe to you soon. If you make it with whole wheat and honey you can pretend they're healthy. ;)

  5. What are your favorite books that would interest a man? Mmm...Lemon Cookies sound so yummy, I love the recipe.

    1. I'll get you the recipe. It depends on what genre the guy likes. Fantasy, non-fiction, mystery? Let me know and I'll try to come up with something.

  6. Glad your insanely busy week is over. The only Finale I saw was the Mentalist. Grrrrr I wish I could have come up for the mission report. I'd love to see the paint job as well. Maybe soon. I think I might give up on finding any decent book to read and just start re-reading. sigh.

    1. Oh dear! I'll call you with some recommendations this week. Not that there's anything wrong with re-reading but there ARE good books out there. The Mentalist finale irritated me!

  7. It's Sunday night and there's a crazy thunderstorm outside right now, so probably shouldn't be that's ever stopped me! Ha! Anyway, glad you made it home safe and sound and without gaining weight! And I'd love the lemon cookie recipe too, as they sound like a perfect summertime cookie! Lemons....yummy! :)

  8. Have you watched any of the series of AWAKE? and we want the recipe for lemon cookies....

    1. I started watching it but it was taking too long to get anywhere. Did you watch it? Did it get better?

  9. Yay! You had a good time :) You did warn us that you were going to eat a lot while you were away. I've been tossing up whether to watch New Year's Eve but I have to say my interest level is pretty low. We're so behind on TV shows here is Australia. Once Upon A Time only just started showing.

    1. Wow that's a way late start. I don't understand that. I never got into that show but everyone seemed to like it.

  10. Glad your trip was good! I really want that cookie recipe:) I'm also glad your cat was fine. I always hate it when we get back from a trip and ours seems like she has been so sad.

    1. I know it makes traveling so hard when you're worrying about your pets the whole time.

  11. I'm... totally in love with that song now. It... is kind of me... is kind of not. Also, I would totally love to try this amazing lemon cookie recipe. :)

    1. Yay! I'm glad you liked the song. I can't get enough of it.
