
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Hated It So You Can Win It!


Welcome to a themed giveaway you'll be seeing around here from now on. See, I have a nasty habit of buying books before reading them and I really shouldn't because I'm such a picky reader. So, it often happens that I buy a book and read it and hate it. That's where you come in. ;) I'll be giving away books I hated from now on and to start with we have...

See, not so bad. Just because I hated it I know most of you loved it. In fact, you probably all own it already but this one is signed. Yep! A hardback signed copy of a horrible book. You know you want it!

To enter to win just say you're interested in the comments. I'm too lazy to put Rafflecopter up. :( You don't have to be a follower or anything but unfortunately you do have to be here in the US or Canada. Sorry to all my international friends.

 I'll email the winner and announce it on my blog on September 5th Feel free to Tweet about this giveaway to anyone you think might be interested in winning.


  1. Hahahaha. You are too funny. I'm sorry you didn't love it. If you make a giveaway on rafflecopter, it lets you copy it, so you really only have to do it once if this is going to be a regular thing. :)

    1. Yeah, I need to get one set up but I was being lazy. Maybe next time...I hate a lot of books. ;)

    2. I hate a lot of books, too! I thought I was the only one!

    3. Nope. You'll find I hate far too many. ;)

  2. I LOVE this idea. So much! This happens to me ALL THE TIME!!

  3. +JMJ+

    "A hardback signed copy of a horrible book"

    LOL! I'm sure you'll get takers, though. ;-)

  4. Ha! I love it! I'd enter, but I already own it since I bought it for the signing we went to. Still haven't read it yet, though.

    1. Well, I'm guessing you'll like it. Me being the oddity that I am.

  5. How come you didn't like it? I'll enter the contest! I loved the book, so I'm interested.

    1. You'll have to check out my review. I thought it was violent for the sake of being violent. Plus at one point she ducks a can't duck bullets! Anywho...

    2. Maybe Tris is Neo and she's in the matrix? Cause you can dodge bullets in the Matrix ;)

      I'm sorry to hear that you hated this book. It's personally one of my all time favorites which is why I've already got a signed copy and have bought at least 3 other copies to give to people.

    3. I thought about The Matrix but Neo, she is not! ;)

  6. I think you will have much success with this giveaway idea! I can't wait to see what else you give away! :) (P.S. This is not an entering comment since I already read it... give it to someone who hasn't!)

    1. Yes, and you could have owned it if you'd just let me give it to you. Tsk, tsk. ;)

  7. K, I just read the back of the book on Amazon. It looks good. Do you think I would like it? I'll enter.

    1. Hmmm, not sure you'll like it but you did like Ender's Game so what do I know?

  8. Sorry, I already own this and I liked it! But, not Insurgent so much.

  9. I would LOVE a signed copy of this :) Right now I have a stupid paperback copy sitting next to my pretty signed hardcover of the sequel. So, yeah, sign me up!

    I'm sad you didn't like it though. It's one of my favorites :(

    1. Yeah, I'm weird. Don't put too much stock in my opinion. This one would go nicely with the sequel you have already. Good luck!

  10. Bwhahahaha...
    Oh, I am in LOVE with this idea!!!
    I have actually not read this so count me in for the giveaway.
    Have you thought of making this a meme of some kind???
    I know, just extra work...

    1. I'm not sure how I'd do it. Maybe once a month I'd post something and people could link up all month whenever...I don't know. I'll have to figure it out. I know I'm not the only one who reads books and then wants to get rid of them.

  11. Good luck to whoever wins! I've got a copy of Divergent and have read it and I agree with you Jenny. If I could give it away I would!

    1. LOL! I knew there was a reason I liked you. ;)

  12. I loved Divergent! I'd love to have a signed copy! To each their own, I guess! Thanks for sharing!

    Arielle @

    1. Yeah, most people liked it. You'll find I'm a bit weird...if you stick around anyway. ;)

  13. I'm not entering since I already own (and LOVE) this book, but I just wanted to say that the theme of this giveaway makes me laugh. You're hilarious.

  14. What an awesome giveaway! I love the idea! And I loved this book. Throw me into the raffle, please!

  15. What a great idea. I have a pile of books on my shelf that I didn't like. I should just give them all away in one giveaway so I don't have to see them anymore. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. Yeah, I have quite a few too. Sad but true.

  16. I seriously can't stop laughing. "I hated it so you can win it" - that's pretty much the best premise for a giveaway EVER. I feel like I'm the only person left in the world who hasn't read this book, so I'd love to win it...and see if I join you with the hate, or end up liking it! Thanks for the chance!

    1. I thought it was a great idea for a giveaway...of course I'm kinda selfish in that way. Heaven forbid I give a book that I loved away. ;)

  17. This is such a fun idea. :) I have a couple books I'd be happy to get rid of, too. (I was going to just dump them off at the blogger social but I felt bad...)
    I'm not entering - I didn't love Divergent either - but I'll totally spread the word.

    1. You should have. I didn't get any good books at the social.
      :( All the ones I wanted were taken.
