
Friday, August 31, 2012

Mini Movie Reviews # 3

It's time for more movie reviews. Yay! Or something like that. ;) Enjoy!

The Amazing Spider-Man
Where the earlier movies screwed up this one gets it right! Thank goodness cause I couldn't have stood another dreadful interpretation of one of my favorite super heroes. Andrew Garfield did a way better job. Agreed? Emma Stone was much more easy to tolerate as well. Sorry, but my favorite girl in the Spider-Man world is Felicia. Until we get her in a movie...well, yeah.  My only complaint was Dr. Connors. They got it all wrong. When Dr. Connors was a lizard, yeah, sure, he was evil but he wasn't evil once he transformed back into himself. I didn't like how in this one he was evil as both until he was healed. Not how it was!

The Dark Knight Rises
Well, it was better than the second one. Sorry, but this one was far too predictable. But it had Joseph Gordon-Levitt so all is forgiven. ;)

 The Bourne Legacy 
Sigh! I love the Bourne movies but this one just failed for me. I didn't mind Jeremy Renner like I thought I would but it was far too long. See, the director and writer of this one wrote but didn't direct the other ones. It's like he had more control and just couldn't bear to edit anything so he kept it all. All of the boring stuff. All of the action. Everything. And it was just too much. Plus they got someone else to do the music. James Newton Howard. I don't mind him but John Powell did such an amazing job with the others they should have got him again. I missed the music so bad!

Total Recall 
I think if I hadn't been sitting a measly two row back I would have liked this one better. As it was all I got was a pain in the neck and a view of Colin Farrell's (lovely as they are) noise hairs and pores. Les Wiseman should just stick to directing the Underworld movies. ;)

Did you see any of these yet? What did you think?


  1. I love Felicia too! Peter should have ended up with her instead of the red head. She was so much cooler! Did they really make Dr. Conners evil? Dumb!

    1. I know, right?! No mo Mary Jane and evil Dr Conners!

  2. I haven't seen any of these movies but I want to see The Bourne Legacy to see if they have taken anything from the book other than the title. In the novel, Bourne is the main character, but from what I've read, he doesn't even appear in the movie.

    1. I liked the first three movies that WERE about Jason. Not so much this one.

  3. You are the first person I've seen to say that this Spiderman was actually good. Everyone else I know said it was just awkward and bad. Glad to hear someone likes it cause I've been pretty excited to see it.

    Also, JGL is amazing!!! One of my best friends "came out" to everyone on facebook saying "hey, I'm gay if you didn't know and this is why" and posted a picture of JGL. So we always make sure to watch everything he's in. :)

    1. JGL is indeed amazing! Spider-man was good in comparison to the first three movies. On its own? It was OK.

  4. I haven't seen any of these and I don't really want to. I'm glad you enjoyed them, though. Well, at least that you didn't hate them.

  5. I have not seen Spiderman, but my friends say it's good. Hopefully you and my friends is right. I love The dark knight rises, but I agree with you. Far too predictable:)

  6. I've seen all but Bourne. I plan to see that one next.

    I'm sorry your experience with Total Recall was that bad. But, other than that, you didn't really complain about the movie. I was so excited to read what you thought of the movie. Sigh.

    1. The experience wasn't great. I forgot to mention I really like the world they built...I just wish I'd been able to see it better. Not so close up, you know? The ending that makes you wonder if it was real or not was a little frustrating too.

  7. Sorry you didn't like Bourne Legacy! I totally loved it but my hubby was in your camp and wasn't all that thrilled. I can't wait to see Total Recall.

    1. I didn't mind The Bourne Legacy, I just liked the others better, you know? Enjoy Totall Recall. Try to get better seats than I did. ;)

  8. I haven't seen any of them, although I was SUPPOSED to go see Spiderman with a group, but half the people cancelled, so the rest of us just stayed at home and watched Castle on DVD. Hahaha! My brother was interested because he wanted to see a well made Spiderman movie for once, LOL, so based on what you say, he probably will enjoy it a lot, and so will I. Great reviews! :D

    1. I hope you get to see it. I hope your brother likes it. The other ones they made just weren't good.

  9. I haven't seen any of these movies, yet, but I've heard great things about Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises. Not going to have high expectations, though, when I do see them. Nice little reviews. ;)

    1. Yeah, now a days it seems better to just have low expectations for movies. Sad.

  10. I don't have anything to say about Batman or Spiderman because it's doubtful I'll ever see them, but I'm glad they weren't awful for you.

    I will probably see the Bourne movie on DVD. I want to watch it and I know it's gotten some great reviews but I don't know anyone who saw it say that it was really good so I'll save my cash.

    Total Recal is not my kind of movie at all, but I freaking love Colin Farrell (not even all his crazy can take away from that) so I will probably suffer through the plot I know I won't like just for him (and his nose hairs lol).

    1. Yeah, Collin is crazy but he gets away with it because he's so cute. ;) I wonder what you'll think of the Bourne movie.

  11. Haven't seen any of these yet, but sorry to hear that the Bourne movie was too long. Can't stand movies that have you checking your watch. And I don't understand why they had to remake Total Recall, which was a decent movie to begin with but not great.

    1. Yeah, checking the time every five minutes in a movie is not a good thing.

  12. I also loved this version of the origin story of Spider-Man. Andrew Garfield was a far more realistic portrayal of Spider-Man himself (sometimes I forget how incredibly sassy he is and I love it), though maybe Tobey Maguire kind of reminds me of the more quiet Peter Parker. I looove Gwen Stacy and thought that Emma Stone did a really good job of bringing her to life without being the sort of passive damsel that MJ has been in the previous film iteration.

    I haven't seen the Bourne movie, but I love Renner, so I plan on seeing it sometime. I also enjoyed THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, but I saw it as a marathon so by the time we got to that film I was so pumped that they could've shown anything and I probably would've loved it. As it was, I liked how character-based it was and it translated well to the screen.

    1. Yes, Spiderman was sassy indeed! I like Gwen Stacy too, way better than MJ but Felicia is my favorite. Yeah, by the time you got to The Dark Knight Rises I'd imagine you'd be really excited.
