
Thursday, September 27, 2012

In My Thoughts This Fine Day # 6

Before we get started with my incoherent thoughts don't forget to enter my giveaway for the awesome book Sulan. If you liked The Hunger Games and Divergent you'll love this one too! I did and I HATED Divergent. ;)

1 I remember a time I used to read a book I'd never heard of and, if I enjoyed it, I'd try to get my hands on anything else the author had written. Nowadays, there's so many new debut authors or just so many books to read that I don't seem to have time to read more books by a certain least not right at that moment. Does that makes sense? And then, at book club the other day, we started discussing how the average reader will probably only be able to read four thousand books in their lifetime. It definitely makes me wonder why I don't pursue author's books I know I'll love more. I guess I just can't help myself when tempted with lovely books and their debut authors but it's something to consider, anyway.

2 Yeah, I'm going to talk about CAPTCHA again. Yes, it's annoying and I wish people would stop using it on their blogs etc. etc....Or do I? Now that they've added those blurry, far away pictures of numbers to the incredibly hard to read letters I've decided it's my dream to see a picture of my own address on there. Can you imagine the happiness? "Oh my heck, Buns! (cause I talk to my cat like she's a person) I do believe that's a picture of our very own house numbers on CAPTCHA! And my mom thought I'd never amount to anything!"

3 Well, I've given in, people. I started watching Downton Abbey. Now I know some of you don't even know what that is but I know there's some of you who do know and are probably got all squeally when you read that. So let me gush. I HATE Thomas, hated him instantly even before he started pissing me off every episode. I don't know if any of you like Mary but if you do you should be ashamed! ;) No, I don't care who you like and dislike but she irks me so bad. She's the oldest favorite and doesn't realize how spoiled she is and every damn problem she has she makes for herself. But, no, I'm supposed to feel sorry for her. Not likely. Good grief! It makes me mad just talking about it! Now for whom I LOVE. I'm totally in love with Bates. Laugh if you will because he's really not that good looking and kinda old but he's such a freaking sweetheart! I want one! Alright, I'll stop gushing. If you read this even though you have no idea what Downton Abbey is, Kudos. ;)


  1. I hate Thomas and Mary too! They are so selfish, and they are such JERKS!! I hate that it ended. I want another season!

    1. I've only finished season 1. I still have season 2 to enjoy! :)

  2. I hate Thomas too. I did hate Mary at first. Then, after season 2, I started to like her a little bit more. She's definitely still not my favorite character. I love Bates and I love Anna. And, I love Sybill. I just feel sorry for Edith.

    1. I don't think I'll ever like Mary but we'll see. I like Sybill too and feel very bad for Edith.


    Okay... done. 4000 books in my lifetime is not enough. Clearly, I will have to never die.

    1. LOL! I've met Matthew. I just watched season 1 so far. I like Matthew but I'm not in love with him yet. I need to get to season 2.

  4. Only 4,000? Dang, I better get crackin'. And I love your Captcha dream - though, I think I'd be more freaked out if my house number showed up. Who's stalking my house? :) Welcome to Downton Abbey fandom.

    1. I know scary huh? There's so many books and so little time. I think the pictures are used from Google Earth.

  5. I completely agree with you about reading more from authors I love. I always finish a book I love and promise myself I'll read more from that author - but for some reason I never get around to it *sigh*

    And your comments about captcha made me laugh. I have to agree with Melissa though. I'd definitely feel as though I was being stalked.

    And as for Downton Abbey, now that you've started watching it I'm pretty sure I'm officially the only person in the world not to have seen a single episode ;)

    1. It's sad that we don't chase authors as much. :(

      I already feel stalked so it's all good. ;)

      Oh, don't even start DA or you'll just get stuck.

  6. LOL about captcha. I really, really do hate captcha. SO much. I would prefer comment approval or basically just anything else but captcha! I have to squint just to make out those damn letters :P.

    1. I hate it too. I really do. I just have to find something to laugh about, though.

  7. The limited time we have to read books is a topic I must ponder on more and more. But I, too, am always tempted by the shiny and new. :)

    1. I really think I should edit my reading choices. I just can't seem to, though.

  8. 1. I did the same thing all the time before I started blogging, now there are just too many books I want to read.

    2. I'm not gonna lie, I was really excited when my birthday popped up once.

    3. OMG It's sooooo good!!! And it's ok to not like all the characters, you're not supposed to! Thomas is the biggest ass ever and Mary is not my favorite either, but Thomas irks me more. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

    1. There are far too many books for sure.

      LOL, glad I'm not the only one who tries to find something about captcha to like. ;)

      I just feel like I'm SUPPOSED to like Mary and I just can't!

  9. My favorite is Matthew!! He is so freaking yummy and heroic and awesome, although totally imperfect. I really like him with Mary, even though, you're right in that she does make her life harder by her own stupid mistakes. But, she's so human and really lovable in her own way. Bates is freaking great, too, but he's imperfect as well. Every character in DA is the hero of their own story and they all ROCK!

    Anyway, I feel like you do about all the new books that come out every year and how hard it is to keep up with them. We just don't have time to read everything. I'm going to have to stick with reading more of what I want and less of the trying-it-out kind. You can discover some great books that way, so I would never give up that method completely. But, life's too short to waste it on reading mediocre books that do nothing for you, which is most of the new stuff.

    Great post! :)

    1. I've not completely fallen for Matthew yet, and I'm not sure why. I love the show, though, and can't wait to get to season 2.

      I need to stop reading a book if I'm not liking it. It's surprisingly hard for me, though.

  10. OMG someone else who's in love with Bates! Nobody else seems to get it, but I freaking LOVE him. And Mary seriously pissed me off at first too...she's kind of growing on me, but yeah...I don't know how far you are, so I don't want to say anything else lol. As for Thomas...don't get me started. I hated him even more for the few times during the war when he made me feel sorry for him, but I'm back to just plain hating him now, so it's all good. ;-) And I could talk about Downton forever, so I'm just going to stop's kind of become an unhealthy obsession. I didn't get it before I started watching it, but from pretty much episode one, I became of *those* Downton people, haha.

    1. I love Bates! I'm so glad to see I'm not alone!

  11. I had the exactly same thought about CAPTCHA, just thinking it would be awesome to see your house there. Not even sure why.

    Frickin LOVE Downton Abbey! Bates of course is the best, your love just shows your good taste :P

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that about CAPTCHA.

  12. There are so many books in the world that there is not enough time to read them all. That's why if it's not something I have for reviewing, I stop reading books I'm not enjoying.

    1. I need to not finish books I'm not enjoying. I struggle with it for some reason.

  13. Oh Downton Abbey makes me so happy. I couldn't stand Thomas either. In fact, I still can't stand him. Mary grew on me though during the second season. I still think she's spoiled and gets herself into crazy situations, but I like the scandal she brings.

    1. I'm not sure Mary will ever grow on me. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  14. I am totally behind on blogging this week! Your thoughts on Catchpa had me laughing out loud! I, too, am fond of having in-depth conversations with my pets!

    I hear you on authors, books, and trying to find time to read everything. I don't as many books from authors I love, but I should!!

  15. Ok, so everyone is saying the same thing about DA, but I just have to add my two cents, because I can. When you started talking about DA I held my breath thinking, "oh no, what is she going to say? Is she going to like it???" SO I am so glad that you like it. As with everyone else, I despise Thomas, wish he would go away and stay away. How does no one else see this in the show??? Adore Bates and Anna (love to hear her say Mr. Bates). Mary doesn't deserve Matthew, but we have come to an understanding, me and her. Sybil is my favorite sister. When I grow up I want to be a Cora, but with the wit of old Lady Granthum (she is hilarious and ergo my favorite of the show). Hurry and catch up and watch the thrid season with Suey and me! :D

  16. Downton Abbey is awesome! Welcome to the party. ;) As for in depth conversations with your cat, at least you have someone listening! So far my books don't seem to care what I say to them. :)
