
Monday, May 1, 2017

Review: Gem & Dixie

Title Gem & Dixie
By Sara Zarr
Genre YA Contemporary
Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Gem's life isn't great. Her mom is barely managing to hold down a job between benders and her dad has always been in and out of the picture. The only thing Gem has that's consistent is her younger sister Dixie. Thought they've drawn apart lately they've always had each other. When an opportunity for a way out of her life comes, Gem wants to take it but the one thing that's holding her back might be the one thing she needs to let go of the most.

First Sentence
Nine quarters.

I love Sara Zarr's books. I always inhale them. And I mean inhale. I read this one in two sittings and that's because I made myself put it down so I could enjoy it a bit longer.

Zarr's last two books were a bit of a let down so I was a little nervous going into this one but it was great. I felt like I was reading one of Zarr's older books. Like she'd gotten back down to basics. Her stories are always fairly simple. They're about people. I find people fascinating and Zarr's "people" are always very fascinating.

I was rooting for Gem the whole book. That first scene in the book just broke my heart and watching Gem slowly make her way up and out throughout the book was what mended it. I couldn't have been more pleased with the ending. I loved it.

I felt like perhaps I was supposed to care more for Dixie but, well, I just didn't. I guess it's because I knew there was probably no help for her. She was who she was and I didn't feel like Gem was in any position to help. The book ended on a hopeful note and while it was a bittersweet ending, I adored it.

Should you read it? 


  1. I've read two of Zarr's books, and I'm just not a fan. I've thought of trying more of her stuff, but I don't know. I'm glad you enjoyed this.

    1. Now I'm curious which ones you've tried.

  2. I've never read any of Zarr's books but it sounds like I should definitely remedy that situation! Lovely review, Jenny!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. You should! They're issuey and sometimes heavy but I love them.

  3. I've never read any of her books. I don't know if I'd like them. I want to give them a try, though, so what do you think I should read first? I'm glad you liked this one and it wasn't disappointing like the previous two.

    1. I'd start with How To Save a Life or Once was Lost.

    2. Sounds good. Thanks for the advice.

  4. Sara Zarr's books have been hit or miss for me, but this one sounds like a hit. I'm pretty sure I have an e-ARC already. I'll have to read it soon.

    1. I liked this one. I hope you like it too.

  5. Glad this one didn't disappoint. I haven't read any of Zarr's books, but it sounds like this is a good one to try. Unless there's a better one?

    1. I'd try How To Save A Life or Once was Lost first.

  6. So... I guess I've never read a Sara Zarr book? I think I have this arc, actually, so maybe I'll give it a shot! I think I confused this book with the books Twisted Fate and Stumble & Fall (they all have similar covers).

  7. I've not read any of Sara Zarr's books yet, perhaps this one should be where I start?
