
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Alright, people, I've been thinking about recommendations amongst us book bloggers. And now I'm going to talk about it and you have to listen. ;) Alright I suppose you could click away but I can pretend!

So, here all us books bloggers spend a ridiculous amount of time reading books and reviewing them...why? Well, sure, it's a fun hobby for our own benefit, but I think we also write reviews to share our opinion whether good or bad in the hopes of encouraging others to read or avoid a book. Right? Well, that's what I'd like to think anyway. We've all had those books we read, hug to our chest and then being pushing on all our friends. In contrast, we've had books that we read that are so dreadful we want to scream out a warning and throw our bodies between it and anyone even considering it.

And yet....and here's where I get matter what someone says about a book, if I have the desire to read  it, I read it. If they warn me that it sucks and I should run, run for my life, I'll still usually read it to see for myself. If they tell me about a book that I've avoided and go on and on about how amazing it is, I probably still won't read it no matter how great it supposedly is.

It's not always true, I sometimes find myself persuaded to read something or not read something but, for the most part, I'm pretty determined to stick with my opinion. But that seems silly! Shouldn't I be taking your opinions a little more seriously? Especially if I know you and know that our opinions are usually the same?

I know and you know I'm constantly raving about certain books *cough cough Matthew Swift Series cough* but I don't see any of you racing out and reading it. I don't blame you. Everyone and their dog loves Divergent and I HATED it. I'm weird, you can't really trust my opinion. It does make me wonder why I bother recommending books, though. I suppose some books I recommend people read but would they have chosen to read them anyway, even without my recommendation?

So I ask you, does reading book reviews ever change your mind...really change it?! Does a review ever convince you to read a book you don't want to, or shut down a book you were going to read.? Am I even making sense? Opinions?


  1. Just for the record, I checked out the first couple of Matthew Swift books on your recommendation. I just didn't have a chance to read them before they came due at the library. I WILL read them at some point. I promise!

    I think what we've all learned from book blogging is that everyone has their own opinion about a book and that, even if we USUALLY agree with a reviewer, we may not ALWAYS agree. Maybe it's made us trust each other less, but I think it just gives me a more rounded view of a book.

    And, yes, I've definitely been influenced by book reviews. I've picked up books I wouldn't have otherwise and I've avoided others that I maybe would have tried. But, if I REALLY want to read a book, I do, no matter what other reviewers say.

    1. Aw, thanks, Susan, I'm glad you want to read them.

  2. I think sometimes I am like you -- if I was planning to read a book, I still read it. However some things in a review will steer me away, especially if the review mentions a lot of sex and language. I can put up with some but if I see an indication that the book is just full of it then I am usually grateful to be steered away.

    More often I am convinced to read books I've never heard of, and for that reason I am sooo grateful for book blogging! I remember before I started blogging I would have a hard time finding books that I wanted to read. I usually stuck with the classics -- which are great -- but I was worried I would run out, haha. Since discovering blogging I have found so many books I never would have read based on others' recommendations, and I am so grateful for that!

    1. Yeah, if I read a review warning me of a lot of sex and stuff I usually change my mind about reading the book.

  3. Yes, sometimes book reviews have changed my mind, especially from bloggers that I tend to have similar reading interests in common. But for every book I've read and loved based on someone's opinion, there's been a Shatter Me or Need out there. I still see glowing reviews of Shatter Me, which has me questioning my own ability to discern between literary genius and could have used a better editor with a thick red pen... But, I love taking chances with books, love discovering books I wouldn't normally read. God knows I've chosen enough book duds on my own, so it really doesn't phase me if a book suggestion turns out bad. And for the most part I try not to feel bad if I didn't like a book everyone loved. Sometimes hype is just hype. Plus a lot of book recommendations in the book blogging community are YA books, and I'm turning 35 this month, so while I like YA I don't always connect with the characters.

    1. That's so true! I've picked some real duds as well, so why not take other people recs?

  4. I think I'm pretty influenced by reviews. If someone loves a book I've been meaning to read (or that sounds like something I'd like) I add it/move it up on my TBR. Sometimes I see rave reviews for books that just seem like something outside of what I normally like, so I usually don't read those. I'm always sad when I end up disliking a book that someone has highly recommended. I almost feel like I don't want to review it because I don't want the person who recommended it to feel bad. (not that they would. It's kind of an irrational thing to think...)

    And now I can't remember what book you didn't like that I'd been meaning to read, but you recommended the movie She's The Man instead. So I took the book off my hold list at the library and am next in line for the movie. :)

    1. It was Babe in Boyland. *shudders* I'm glad I steered you away from it.

  5. I've been meaning to read the series by Jeri Smith-Ready (is that her name or did I totally botch it?) I think I'm more influenced by reviews of books I haven't decided to read either way. A glowing review of a book I haven't heard of or not heard much about is more likely to influence me than one I know about that I'm planning to get sometime. Same goes for (many) negative reviews. I will usually go into reading a book with some negative reviews with fewer expectations than before. I'm swayed, but not entirely. :)

    1. I hope you like the Shade series. The third one came out and I want to go get it!

  6. Yes.. YOU convinced me to read the Ghost and the Goth... Kate convinced me to read The Night Circus... I just started the Iron Fey because of book bloggers. I read way more outside my comfort zone because of book bloggers.

    And while we're talking about recommendations, let me push a book on you that I just read, because I am obsessed... the Scorpio Races! Looooove it! And I didn't think I would

    1. LOL! I'm so glad my recommendation was a hit for you. I have The Scorpio Races and all your raving about it on Twitter is making me want to read it more and more.

  7. If I read a synopsis for a book and can't decide whether it will be worth my time, I'll look for reviews from friends. It doesn't always mean I'll take their advice, I just take into account their descriptions of the story/characters and see if it sounds like something could relate to.

    I know what you mean though--if we're not interested in something and a friend raves about it, we will more often than not still avoid the book. And if we are interested in something and a friend writes a negative review, we'll still read the book. I have to say that maybe 1% of the time I might take someone's advice and read/not read a book. It depends on their review and what they say.

    1. See, we're a lot alike in this but also in tastes in books. I know if you LOVE something I usually will too.

  8. First I have to say that Steph isn't kidding when she says she's obsessed with The Scorpio Races. We met for brunch (is it still brunch if you were there till the middle of the afternoon?) the other day and there was a lot of gushing. I felt like she was going to literally burst out into flames right there in the middle of Panera she was so excited about this book!

    If I REALLY want to read a book, it's not likely that a bad review will turn me off. Even if it's someone who I am 95% book compatible with I will probably still read it. On the other hand I've had good reviews make me want to read a book I wouldn't normally read. For example I would have never picked up White Cat if I wouldn't have seen you and Steph gush about it. I wouldn't have picked up The Hunger Games if Kate wouldn't have gushed about it. And I ended up liking both.

    1. Yeah, I've seen Steph's raving on Twitter. ;) I find that I'm more likely to still read a book if someone hates it than to take a it off my TBR list. On the other hand I'm always persuaded to read books I wasn't going to read.

  9. Interesting topic choice! Reading reviews by other bloggers has introduced me to TONS of amazing books that I probably would have snubbed my nose at and passed on by. Some of my all time favourite books were those that were raved about by other bloggers. On the other hand, I'm sure I'm missing out on plenty of other books that I would have loved too, but I passed on by after reading lots of bad reviews. While I realize everyone has their own unique tastes and preferences, I'd like to think that for the most part I can rely on the thoughts and feelings of other reviewers. They haven't disappointed me yet!

    And speaking of The Scorpio Races above, I actually just started reading it an hour ago! What a coincidence! Hopefully I'll love it as much as Steph!

    1. My TBR list has gotten so ridiculously long since I started blogging because everyone raves about books and I'm so easily persuaded. Sigh! Such is the life.

  10. Great topic! The only time a review really sways me is if the review reveals things about the book that I know I won't be able to handle. For example - graphic violence or very disturbing scenes, that wouldn't be apparent from the synopsis. There are just some subjects I can't read. Mostly a review will make me think more about what I am reading as I read it. I do make it a point NOT to read reviews of books that are in my pile to review but I love reading them after I've reviewed the book. It is so great to hear what other people have to say. Kind of like a loosly connected book club. I like it.

    1. I try to avoid reviews of book I have on my TBR list too. I don't want to spoil anything for myself. But, like you, I like hearing that a book I was going to read has stuff that would bug me so I can choose not to read it. It's such a conundrum.

  11. This is a very thought-provoking post. I love to read book reviews, but I read them to discover books I wouldn't discover on my own. I agree though, if I really want to read something, I will probably read it even if it has bad reviews.

    1. It seems a lot of people feel that way. We're pretty stubborn I guess. ;)

  12. I am a massive spoiler fanatic so I don't care at all whether the reviews I read spill everything. I totally get what you mean when you say that other bloggers opinions can influence but ultimately may not be the deciding factor in whether or not I read a book. If say the book has already caught my eyes and is big news and I read a whole bunch of negative reviews, I will be cautious and will prob go in with less high hopes but in the end I would still read it. On the other hand, if a book is unknown and another blogger I trust doesn't enjoy it, the chances of me reading it are zero. That makes me kinda sad actually. Why does the little guy always lose?

    1. The little guys always do, don't they? I try to give them a chance but if no one else likes them I doubt I will.

  13. I don't usually look for reviews of books I'm going to read. Mostly because almost all the books I buy / get from the library are chosen by looking at random shelves.
    I have read books because of reading blogs though. Not because of the review, but because I have discovered books I had never heard of before.
    When I read reviews I read them knowing they are just people's subjective opinions and for every book you can find very good and very bad reviews, so they don't change my decision to read or not to read a book (or at least they haven't yet).

    1. Impressive! I like that you're not swayed by the masses. I could use a lesson or two from you.

    2. I sometimes (more often than it's healthy) don't share the opinion of the masses: several tv shows I like got cancelled after only one season and I don't like the Lord of the Rings (the book; I loved the movie) and one of my favourite movies got mostly negative reviews by the masses.
      But if a friend thinks I might like a book, I'll try to read it.

  14. Lately almost every book I read is from yours or MaryAnn's blogs. I just can't browse at the library with little ones in tow. It does make me laugh when you highly recommend a book on your blog and then when I get it you say. Oh, you might not like that one.

    1. Well, most people I recommend books to won't be as bothered by "questionable" content. ;) I still hope you read and like all the books I do but I know that's highly unlikely.

  15. So yeah, I, influenced by reviews but, If I start a book someone has recommended and I don't like it I can't be bothered or find time to finish it.
    What really has me curious though, is your top ten,"scream out a warning and throw our bodies between it and anyone even considering it" books. So What are they?

    1. Ah, I shall do a post. I don't think it'll just be ten though. ;)

  16. I love book blogging and other book bloggers just because it gives books a chance that never would otherwise. It also exposes those hyped books that really just aren't any good, I take bloggers opinions to heart and it normally influences what I read next. However I apply what I can't see won't hurt me when it's a book I really want to read, good or bad it will ruin it...

    1. I love the blog reviews expose books that aren't really any good. It's all subject to opinion but it's a relief to see someone dislike a book that everyone else is loving. Adds a bit of reality to the situation.

  17. I generally don't have books that I am dead set against reading so I am often persuaded to read them based on friend's reviews. But like you said, if I really want to read a book, I am going to read it no matter what everyone says.

    I do love blogs & reviews on goodreads because I discover books I would have never even knew about. I normally read a lot of fantasy & romance but both you & Jessica have really opened up a whole YA section for me and I count on both your recommendations for something new.

    1. I'm glad Jessica and I have got you to read some "other" types of books. :)

  18. Gosh, where have I been and how did I miss this post! :) So, here's my question back at you about you and me... so, we totally agree on some books and totally disagree on others... how does that affect our recommendations for each other? I get so confused sometimes!! )

    Do we like the same sort of books, or do we not?

    I am easily swayed by the hype and will pick up a book to read if it seems everyone is loving it. The City of Bones series is a great example. If everyone is hating it? I will still read it if I had intentions to anyway. I agree with... was it Melissa?... who said the reviews really do help if you haven't decided about a particular book... or if you haven't heard of it and suddenly everyone is talking about it.

    I do often wonder, though, if my reviews cause anyone to read something or not. Obviously, according to your comments, your reviews do!

    1. LOL! I have an easier time with recommending in our relationship because you rarely out right hate books. I think all of us eventually learn enough about each other to know what to recommend, don't you think?

  19. I've actually put the Michael Swift series on my TBR list because you've recommended it. I just haven't read it yet because, let's face it, I don't read fast and I have so many books I want to read, I just don't know if I'll ever get to all the books I want to read.

    But, I know where you're coming from. I have persuaded people to read books. I've also dissuaded people. And, I've been persuaded and dissuaded. So, I do think they work. :) But, yes, I'll read something if I really want to unless someone is really, really, really convincing.

    1. I probably shouldn't have mentioned the Matthew Swift books. It makes me look like a whiner...which let's face it, I am. I'm glad you intend to try them. :)

  20. You're not weird; you just have your own unique taste. That's true of all of us. There are certain people I call my "reading twins" because we have similar taste, but even they will occasionally hate a book I love or vice versa. And, yep, it doesn't matter how enthusiastically someone recommends a book I'm not interested in. I'll still avoid it.

    1. It seems most people are of the same opinion. If we are or are not going to read a book it doesn't seem to matter what others say.

  21. That was a really interesting post! I never really thought about it before...
    But, yeah, like you, if I want to read a book, I'll go and read it even if I've read bad reviews of it, because I know my opinion might be different. Sometimes I get swayed a little by reviews I read but, in general, I take reviews as a sense of what that particular person thought of a book, not necessarily what I'm going to think of that book.
    Hmmm, thanks for posting that, it was interesting...*nodding thoughtfully*...

    The Book Parade

    1. Well, as you saw from my post about books I hated, we definitely all have our own opinions. I guess reviews are sometimes helpful but we need to go with our instincts.

  22. Okay. I'm chiming in a bit later here, but I wanted to add my two cents. I think the simple act of talking about books is great. I think you're right that I will usually read the books that I was going to read anyway. But, book blogs and recommendations are great for other reasons. Mostly, I hear about books that I wouldn't have otherwise found. And, if I'm on the fence about a book, a few good or bad reviews may sway me.

    AND, if someone continually begs me to read a book, I just may order it off of Amazon. :)

    1. Yeah, IF we're on the fence reviews are helpful. I'm a sucker for people that beg me to read a book too.
