
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Review: Once Was Lost

Title Once Was Lost
By Sara Zarr
Genre YA contemporary
Pages 217
Recommended by Me

First sentence The whole world is wilting

Samara (Sam) has easily believed in God her whole life. Being the daughter of a pastor makes it easy but things aren't going well lately.  Her mom in a treatment center for alcoholics and her dad is too busy to talk about it, and to top it all off a local girl has gone missing. Can Sam keep up hope when all seems lost?

What is has going for it
Sheesh! I'm on a roll lately! Symbolism in books and I don't usually get along but  lately I've been having wonderful luck...or maybe I'm just not as dense as I used to be. ;) Once Was Lost was so gripping for me. The whole book has a heavy undertone that seemed symbolized by the heat wave the town was having, and somewhere amidst it all you're just begging for something to give and for things to start going better. All of the characters are flawed perfection! Zarr manages to create characters so real and flawed yet sympathetic and you just CAN'T judge them; as much as you might want to. I loved the message I took away from this one. All of them, really and NO they weren't religious messages! If that's scaring you off, please don't let it. This book has a great protagonist that has you sympathizing and connecting to. Romance for the romantic, and hope for the hopeless.

What's lacking
I'm afraid the religious premise will scare some people off this one. I really hope it doesn't, though. It wasn't agenda pushy. I personally struggled with the romance in this one. I'm not sure I believed Nick would have gone for Sam. I just didn't see his motivation.

Favorite moment
Lots of little things touched me. I loved the moment between Daniel and Sam when Daniel was upset at the youth meeting where they were making brownies.

Yea or Nay?
Yes, yes, yes!


  1. If this were a typical religious book I would be backing away from it as well. Though recently I've found myself becoming curious about they way religious books are written. Lets see if I can get the symbolism!

    1. You should give it a try as it's not SUPER religious.

  2. I love books where religion is part of the setting NOT the agenda of the book. This one sounds great.

  3. I've read one of Sara Zarr's books and enjoyed it. I think I almost picked this one up at the library one day but had too many books already. I think I may have avoided it for the reason you mentioned, but I may take a chance now that I know there's more to it. :)

    1. I avoided it at first too and opted for her other books but I'm glad I gave this one a try.

  4. Great review! Sounds like a book a lot of kids could relate to, especially the part about questioning a religion that's been a part of your whole life. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It really was good. I enjoyed the overall theme.

  5. This is my favorite of Sara Zarr's books and I love how religion was handled.

    1. Wow, your favorite I don't know why I'm surprised. I liked it better than the other books I've read by her. I like all her books but this one was really good.

  6. Wow you really are on a roll! I can't remember much about this book. It was sad, though, wasn't it. I think I liked it.

    1. It was sort of sad but in a hopeful way. Those are the best kind.

  7. Great review! This seems excellent, I'm gonna have to give it a go! I've heard a lot of great things about Sara Zarr. :) I'm a new follower! I would love it if you would check out My Latest Review? Thanks!!


    1. Zarr is an amazing author I've read all but one of her books and I've like them all.

  8. Yay for symbolism! Based on the synopsis this doesn't sound like something I would typically read, but maybe I'll give it a shot just to push my comfort zone!

    1. If this one isn't your cup of tea it's all good. I'd try at least one of her books, though. They're really good!

  9. I just read (or listened, rather) to How to Save A Life and now I am a fan. I'll have to check this one out!

    1. That's the only book of Zarr's I haven't read yet. I have it though, and it's even signed!

  10. I'm on a mission to read everything by Sara Zarr!

    1. I've got all but one read. Very worthy mission!

  11. nice review of the book! Here's mine if you don't mind:

    Thanks and have a nice day!!!
