I got tagged by Amy and I'm very excited. One: It gives me something to blog about and, Two: It's a fun tag. Check it out!
I decided to pick from books I read and, whew! I've only read two books that start with the letter J. So, while this wasn't a favorite book or anything, it was alright. Finding Audrey, however, is an awesome read!
2. Count your age along your bookshelf: What book is it?
3. Pick a book set in your city/country
Fun little book that takes place in my state.
4. Pick a book that represents a location that you would love to travel to
London! Again and again I could go there.
5. Pick a book that’s your favorite color
Um, I don't really have a favorite color. I like dark blue and purple.
6. Which book do you have the fondest memory of?
I read this wonderful book a few short months after getting married. It was winter and we were living in a tiny little apartment. I would curl up on the couch while my husband watched Breaking Bad and read so thoroughly entranced that I think my poor husband wondered just what he's gotten himself into marrying this crazy book loving lady.
7. Which book did you have the most difficulty reading?
This book and I did NOT get along. Saying I had to force my way through it just doesn't do the pain I had when reading it justice. I think at one point I hurled the book across the room and just started sobbing. *shudders*
8. Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it?
Um...All of them Duh! No, I honestly just don' know.
I'm not going to tag anyone else by name. But feel free to tag yourself, I'd love to see what you come up with! Thanks, Amy! That was fun!