
Friday, August 4, 2017

July Wrap-Up 2017

YAY!!! July is over! Sorry, but I really hate July! Actually this year it went pretty fast but it was still stagnant and hot and miserable. That, and all the craziness in my life with remodeling resulted in me reading only 4 books. But guess what? The remodel is done!!!! My life should calm down just a tiny bit now. Fingers crossed.

A Merciful Truth by Kendra Elliot, The Winner's Crime by Marie Rutkoski, The Paper Magician by Charlie N Holmberg and Attachments by Rainbow Rowell.

Guys, my favorite book this month was Attachments. I have disliked every other book of Rowell's so I was so skeptical but I absolutely adored this book! I'm in love with Lincoln now and had a major book hangover when it ended. Sigh! Least favorite was A Merciful Truth which I received for free for an honest review so I feel a bit bad. Oh well.


  1. Yay! I'm glad you got your remodel done! And, I'm so happy you liked Attachments as much as you did! :D

    1. Thanks. It's a surprise about Attachments, isn't it? I was shocked too.

  2. Loved Attachments! The only other book of hers I've read was Fangirl, which I liked, but Attachments was way better.

    1. I've read them all now and wasn't impressed with any but Attachments was AH-mazing!

  3. I loved Attachments and haven't had the pull to any of her others, maybe the Eleanor one, so glad you enjoyed it with such a crap month. My reading month was good for quality but still haven't figured out the balance with my new job and blogging yet.

    1. It's hard finding balance. I struggle every day.

  4. survived the remodel! And the month of July! I'm very glad you made it out alive. :D What did you think of The Paper Magician? It's been on my tbr list for awhile now, and I'm wondering if it's worth reading, or if I should take it off my list.

  5. Glad you're remodel is over. Stuff like that really gets in the way of life, doesn't it? Four books read in one month is so much more than I can accomplish these days. I'd be so happy if I had the time to do that!

    1. Yeah, I shouldn't whine. Four books isn't bad at all.

  6. Yay! July is over for you! The remodel is done! 4 books were read! This year has been the exception, but I have such a hard time reading in the summer. 4 books sounds like a win to me.

    1. Thanks. Summer is a tough time to read, isn't it?

  7. Woo for Attachments! I'm surprised you kept reading her books, but I'm glad you found one you loved.

    1. Yeah, the way it worked out I managed to read them all except Carry On. I'm glad I read this one. I would have been so sad to miss it.

  8. I hear ya' about hating July! What a horrible, horrible month! Glad to hear that your remodel is finally done. Yay!

    Terri @ Alexia's Books and Such...

    1. Right?! I hate it. Some people think August is worse of the same but there's a difference. I can feel it.

  9. Attachments was so great! Hope August is better for you!

  10. I should read Attachments, I go back and forth with that one and Eleanor & Park, but I think Attachments appeals to me a little more? And I'm kinda glad July is over too, even though summer is going fast I'm kinda getting in the mood for fall.

    1. I'm in the mood for fall too. Attachments is way more romantic and cutsie and Eleanor & Park is romantic but issue-y
