
Monday, November 30, 2015

November Wrap Up

I knew my good reading habits of October couldn't last! I only read three books this month. I was actually doing pretty good until Thanksgiving started creeping up and I suddenly was hosting dinner and family. I do not handle stress well. Needless to say reading took a back seat to my stressful hosting. Hopefully now that things have calmed down I can get back to reading and finish my Goodreads challenge. I'm soooo close!!! Here's what I did manage to read.

Fairest (Lunar Chronicles 3.5)
Very sad but good addition to the Lunar Chronicles.

The Well Rested Mother
Fun coffee table book. Well worth the 10 minutes it took to read.

Unravel me (Shatter Me 2)
The feminist in me wants to kill this book. The editor in me wants to take scissors to it. But the romantic in me wants to swoon!

And that's it. So sad. For December I plan on finishing Ignite me (Shatter Me 3). Need to get this series over with! I also plan on finally starting the Throne of Glass series with the first book being a book club pick! Other than that I have no books that I HAVE to read! Wahoo!


  1. You're so close to completing your challenge! You can do it! And, I'm amazed that I'm only two behind you. Married life has really slowed your reading down, lol.

    1. I know, right? And I have no idea why? It's so weird.

  2. I hope you are able to take some time to de-stress now that Thanksgiving is over. I finished my Goodreads challenge this week. Woohoo. You are almost there, too!

    1. I know, I'm so close! Hopefully I can do it!

  3. I still need to read the Shatter Me series... I have the first book on my shelf... I should add it to my TBR for 2016. :)

  4. Looking forward to your thoughts on Ignite Me! And I hope you enjoy the Throne of Glass series! It's one of my favourites. Good luck with your Goodreads challenge too!

    1. I hope I like it. So many people love that series. I want to like it too.

  5. Embrace the romantic in you! Easy choice!!!

  6. I haven't read any of these, although I own Shatter Me, and your reaction to Unravel Me made me curious (and amused lol). You're so close to your goal - you can do it!

  7. I'm impressed that you're able to carry on with series that you don't really enjoy! You still managed to read more than I did in your slacker months!

    1. I just wanted to know how it all ended. Otherwise I may have given up. I actually ended up thinking the series was okay so I'm glad I stayed with it.

  8. Glad you survived your Thanksgiving hostessing duties. That always stresses me out, too! I didn't have to worry about it this year -- we did Disney and a restaurant-cooked Thanksgiving meal. It was SO nice not to spend all day in the kitchen!

    1. Oh, that would have been so nice. I've been spoiled for years. I never have to cook or host. Now that I know what it's like I'm humbled. So Stressful!

  9. You are doing lots better than me! I'm sure you'll finish!
