Thursday, May 19, 2016

30 Days of Books Day 3

Day 3: Your Favorite Series. Oh boy, another hard one. I love so many series for so many different reasons. How can I pick just one? I guess I'll just pick ONE of my favorite series.

The Matthew Swift series by Kate Griffin. Come, now. You aren't actually surprised are you? I LOVE this series. If you love urban fantasy, London and kick ass heroes, you have to read this series! You'll love it too. I can't push this one enough.


  1. This is on my to-read list! I'll get to it some day!

    1. Really?! I hope you love it when you read it. I'm worried now.

  2. I knew you were going to pick this series! :D I need to read it. I really think it's right up my alley. I just need more time, lol.

    1. I can't decide what you'd think. I'd be very interested to see.
