Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to whine about love triangles. The truth is I don't mind them...IF they're REAL love triangles. What I can't stand and want to whine about is the "NOT love triangle". You know what I'm talking about. We have our heroine, she meets a guy, usually the new guy, and is instantly in love with him. Then, of course there's the "other" guy. Either an old friend who's always been there for her, or another new guy who she finds attractive as well. The problem occurs when the heroine is drawn by some supernatural power to one of the guys. For example, Emerson and Michael from Hourglass by Myra McEntire. Or when our heroine is in WUV with one of the guys forever and ever no matter what. Bella and Edward from Twilight. See what I mean about the NOT love triangle. Oh, sure there's two guys but it's so freaking obvious who the heroine is going to end up with. Why even bring in another character?! Does there have to be a freaking love triangle in every YA paranormal romance?
See, when I was a teenager I used to read this series of books.
Anyone ever heard of these? They're historical romance book and, as you can tell from the cover, there was always a love triangle. Anywho, maybe these books are the reason I'm so burned out on love triangles that are so freaking obvious and unnecessary.
Sheesh, I'm even staring to wonder if there is such thing as a real love triangle. Anyone know of any books with TRUE love triangles?
And now, after all that rambling, the real reason for my post. I went to the launch party of
Brodi Ashton's Everneath the other night and had a blast but that's beyond the point. The point is, Brodi informed us, that in her book, there is no love triangle. What?! But there's a guy named Jack and a guy named Cole! Doesn't that mean there's a love triangle?! I was all ready to jump into the book on "Team Cole" only to be informed there is no "Team Cole", there's no way Nikki is ending up with Cole....according to the author.
Well, what the hell?! Now I'm wondering if all those NOT love triangles I've been so irritated with were even meant to be love triangles! Really makes you think, doesn't it?
I still don't know why the authors throws in another guy, though. Is it really necessary?
It's all about the conflict, because even if she knows who she wants and there's really no choice, that second guy still creates the conflict and stress and anxiety that we seem to love to read about.
ReplyDeleteSo, a true love triangle? You mean where the girl (guy, but always seems to be the girl) truly can't decide? OR both choices truly can be right? Is that what you mean?
Hunger Games maybe?
Hunger Games was what I was thinking as well. Other the other onesI could think of the girl's choice was so obvious.
DeleteYeah, they're few and far between.
DeleteSuey, If this comment shows up under the wrong space it's because Blogger or my computer is being stupid. Anywho, I'm just saying there are more ways to create conflict. The whole thing that really got me, though, was us readers making triangles where there was never meant to be one. Crazy!
DeleteWhere the girl really can't decide. That's what I meant.
Why do they do it? I think it's because it's an easy "conflict", whether it actually has substance or not. That and money. Lol. Seriously. Some of them it drags out far too long and you know it's more about money than story. And readers eat it up, so it continues. But like you said, maybe they aren't really love triangles to begin with. :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, "an easy conflict". Still seems a bit lazy to me. And if they aren't love triangles...wow! It makes me wonder how many times I misjudged.
DeleteSometimes, I enjoy a love triangle, depending on the story around it and the history they all have with each other. Other times, it truly annoys me to no end.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and with me it's the NOT love triangles that annoy me.
DeleteLOL Jenny. You crack me up. Maybe the authors just want there to be another guy character and it's us readers who start making things up and turning it into a love triangle :)
ReplyDeleteExactly. That's what I got slapped in the face with at the book launch. We're probably all making crap up all the time about books...seeing stuff that isn't even there.
DeleteLove this post! I was thinking of writing something very similar and calling it "You know this poor guy is not going to win..." I don't know that I've found a love triangle where I've honestly wondered which way it would turn out. Even Hunger Games my theory was "it won't be (the guy that it wasn't)" (trying to avoid spoilers).
ReplyDeleteMaybe that Shift book? I only read the first one and she seemed pretty hung up on the dead guy. But I bet he loses out to the other guy, too.
Yeah, THG was pretty obvious to me but it could have gone either way. Shift is a good one but in the second it becomes obvious too.
DeleteWhat the...you always new who she would end up with in the Sunfire romances? Wow, those kept my junior high school years in constant turmoil. You're good. Was it from looking at the cover?
ReplyDeleteHee hee! Oh, yes, it was the covers every time! *eye roll*.
DeleteI actually liked how Brodi handled the "love triangle" in Everneath. Cole is there because he's the villain. I still like him a lot, though, because there's more to him than meets the eye. But, like Brodi said, Nikki should be with Jack. There's no doubt about it and I'm completely fine with that.
ReplyDeleteAs far as true love triangles, the only one I can think of other than The Hunger Games is Clockwork Prince, especially after reading Cassandra Clare's snippets and explanations on Tumblr.
I'm fine with it too. It just never occurred to me that we readers might be making triangles out of nothing. Very eye opening.
DeleteI'll have to get started on the Clockwork Angel so I can see what I think.
Great post!! I am also against love triangles - especially the obviously contrived ones. You put my thoughts into words very eloquently!
DeleteI think there's a good bit of "It worked for That Now-Famous Author, so I'll do the same," but it is also easy conflict to throw two guys at the same girl. Not realistic, but it can be fun if done well. I really don't care for it when the choice is obvious so the build-up is all pointless. Funny about your assumption that there was a love triangle when the author didn't intend there to be one.
ReplyDeleteSee? Now you've gone and said what I wanted in much more concise neat way. ;) I'm wondering how many other books I and others have assumed were love triangles that weren't.
DeleteLike the others have said, I think it is just to provide an easy bit of conflict.
ReplyDeleteThe only book I have read that I felt had a real love triangle was Angel Fire by L.A. Weatherly. The author handled it really well and I honestly didn't know which way the girl was going to turn. It was great :)
K, then I'm going to have to hurry and read that one. I'm dying to read a real love triangle.
DeleteA love triangle is the easiest way to add tension to a story and appeal to the tween girl market, which is arguably the most powerful one these days.
ReplyDeleteI'm all for love, but I'm so sick of triangles. Give me Pride and Prejudice any day. :)
I agree that most of them are for the money...that's why it was so interesting to find out about Everneath NOT being a love triangle and us silly readers assuming it was.
DeletePride and Prejudice...mmmm!
I agree 100% with you! I'm tired of NOT love triangles as well. The only real love triangle I can think of is The Hunger Games...because I honestly didn't know who she would end up with!
ReplyDeleteTHG was one that felt real for me too. Though, I did figure she'd end up with Peeta. But it could have gone either way.
Deleteso right Jenny, way too many triangles where we know who's won the fight yet it will get dragged out through three books anyway. A really good love triangle would have to be Logan, Zach and Aura, it's quite legit in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteTristan @ Reads With Wreckless Abandon
I totally agree, Tristan. In the first book I had no idea what was going to happen or who she would choose. After book two I think it's pretty obvious but I'm still routing for Logan's brother. ;) Crap! What's his name?
DeleteOh Jenny, I love your posts. They're always so funny. Best love triangles I can think of off the top of my head are the one in Clockwork Angel/Prince and the one in The Vampire Diaries which I REALLY like. The Vampire Academy one is quite good too...but she didn't end up with 'my' guy so I'm bitter.
ReplyDeleteThe Cait Files
I still have a book or two to read in TVD books but yes that one is interesting. I hear the one in the Clockwork books is good so I'll have to get to those too. Sorry about the VA books. I'm terribly afraid of starting them. Expectations and all that.